Notice: The FJMC has migrated this site to a new Wordpress site at This is the archive site and is not accepting new user registrations, donations, purchases, or other transactions. To login to the new site, you will need to reset your password by clicking the "Lost your password?" link and checking your email for a Password Reset link.
Leadership |
mentoring leaders at the club, region and international level, |
Innovation |
developing programming that better connects people of all ages to the Jewish community, |
Community |
forming meaningful long-lasting relationships based on camaraderie, common interests and core values. |
FJMC, a partnership of over 200 affiliated clubs with more than 20,000 members across North America and around the world, brings value and adds meaning to the lives of men and their families. Through our programming and the broad dissemination of the creative programming developed by our clubs, we touch hundreds of thousands of people each year.
Imagine life…
The FJMC Imagine Life Committee provides a “ready to run” set of programs to help learn about mental health, mental wellness, and stigma. You will find guides to Imagine Life at this link.