The 2023 FJMC International Biennial Convention is HISTORY

Past Conventions
2023 - Philadelphia
- Recap
- Journal (download from Google Drive - approx. 150 MB)
- Convention Public Folder - in Google Drive. Includes some of the training documents.
- Convention Photo Album
- Videos on the YouTube 2023 Convention Channel (link to all videos), including:
- President Alan Budman Installation Speech, June 30, 2023
- We are FJMC! - short video giving an overview of FJMC programs
- Installation of FJMC President, Board and Executive Committee
- Biennial Convention Opening Ceremony
- Torch Awards Presentation
- Ma'asim Tovim Awards Presentation
- ADL Senior VP Frederic Bloch on Fighting Antisemitism
- Eric Rubin, Project Max, on Antisemitism, Racism, and Intolerance in Sports
- Michael Rabinowitz: Leadership for Today and Tomorrow
- Famous Cantorial Concert!
2021 - Virtual
- FJMC - A Taste of Convention (Overview Page)
- Video Replays of the Convention Keynote Series
- Whova Convention Site (preview)
- Whova Convention Site (full) (required registration)
- Ma'asim Tovim Honorees
- Abayudaya Jewish Community in Uganda
- Convention Ad Journal
- Shaun Eli Breidbart, Convention Comedian's website
2019 - Toronto
- Convention 2019
- Resources
Additional Videos on YouTube FJMCVideos Channel
- Opening Ceremonies
- The Torah as a Blueprint for Recovery Panel
- Convention Cantorial Concert
- Torah as a Bluprint for Recovery: Rabbi Mark Borovitz
- Yellow Candles, Tree of Life - Anti Semitism
- Paul Godfrey Keynote
- Presidential Award
- Torch Awards
- First Look
- Imagine Life
- Poker Fundraising
- Mindfulness Service Training
- Far from Conventional
- Spouses Perspective
- Full Menu
- Keynote Speakers
- Highlights
- Pricing
- Terms & Conditions
- Parking
- What to bring to Toronto
- Convention - Toronto, Canada
2017 - Washington D.C.
2015 - Miami Beach
2013 - Boston
- Convention 2013
- Wealth Management Conference
- HaShofar Sep13 - Convention 2013: A Retrospective
- Committee Directory
- Scholarships
- Schedule
- Documentation
- Pricing
- Catering Menu
- Hotel At A Glance
- Wealth Management
- Presidential Award
- Continuing Professional Education (CPE)
- Programming Highlights
- Program Fair
- Wellness Program: Miles for Myles
- Awards and Recognition
- Bring the Kids
- 2013 Biennial Convention Announced