The Health, Wealth and Retirement Newsletter






A new FJMC newsletter debuted in late 2014 and has been published since then.  The Health, Wealth and Retirement Newsletter was created as a result of the overwhelming response that Convention 2013 attendees, had to attending the Health, Wealth and Retirement Conference which was held on the opening day/morning of Convention 2013. They wanted more details and specifics. Unlike the HaShofar, which is e-mailed to the entire FJMC membership list, after an introductory annual e-mailing, this is a publication which FJMC members have to subscribe to. 


To subscribe, click on the following link, and enter your email address.


In order to get a 'taste' of the valuable investing and health information available, you're welcome to read the following issues.

If you have any issues you'd like addressed, contact the editors Gary R. Smith, DVM and Richard Gray, at