FJMC Raps at Camp Ramah - Wisconsin

Early in July,  campers from Camp Ramah - Wisconsin were singing along with Norm Kurtz, Orin Rotman and Evan Rumack of Congregation Beth Judea Men’s Club in Long Grove, Illinois.  Norm, Orin, and Evan led educational sessions with Solelim and Shoafim about the laws and customs associated with wearing tefillin and answered a variety of questions from campers.  We’re very grateful to Norm, Orin and Evan for making the trip to camp and for facilitating a contribution of 15 sets of tefillin to Camp Ramah in Wisconsin. Yasher Koach to Congregation Beth Judea Men’s Club, the Midwest Region of the Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs, the International Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs, and various individuals for this meaningful gift.