Nominations 2017-18

The Nominating Committee has nominated ....

for the 2017-2019 leadership

  • President - Stan Greenspan (Lake Ontario)
  • First Vice President - Tom Sudow (Kentucky/Indiana/Ohio)
  • Vice-Presidents - Aaron Altman (New York Metro), Bill Becker (Seaboard), Alan Budman (MIddle Atlantic), Allan Kahan (Seaboard), Jeff Schulman (Northern New Jersey), Bruce Tomar (Middle Atlantic)
  • Treasurer - Steve Dix (Anshei Darom)
  • Secretary - David Singer (New England)
  • Honorary President - Allan Gottesman (Florida)

In addition,  incoming President Stan Greenspan will be selecting four additional men to serve on the Executive Committee.

We wish all the nominees a hearty Mazel Tov, Yasher Koach for the work that got them to this point, and for the efforts on behalf of the FJMC they'll be making in the coming years!

We also want to acknowledge the work of those whose terms on the Executive Committee are ending (Vice Presidents - Mark Druy and Gary Smith; Treasurer - Dave Mandell; At large - Greg Pollack), Yasher Koach for the work that you have done for the FJMC.