Convention 2021 Installment Payments


The FJMC Convention 2021 scheduled for June 30-July 4 in Chicago has been canceled. The next full FJMC International Convention will be in 2023. There will be a Virtual Convention held from June 6 to 13. Activities will be mostly on the two Sundays with shorter agendas on the weekdays. Stay tuned for more details.

Due to the Coronavirus affecting all parts of the United States, Canada and the World, the option to Prepay convention as described below has been suspended for the time being. Further information to follow.

Now it’s easier than ever to come to FJMC Convention!
For the first time ever, we are happy to announce our Installment Payment Program! 
Simply sign up (click Get Started below), enter your credit card information, and pay $100.00 a month ($180 for a couple) and BOOM!, you are all paid up. If you are entitled to a future regional subsidy, we will apply all the necessary credits or payments towards additional add-on programs in Chicago.
Why should I sign up now?
Great question.  Not only is this an easy, no risk way to manage your cash flow but you are also helping The FJMC meet it’s own down payment deadlines.
It’s a win win, so sign up today.
Got questions?  Visit our FAQ page.
Also please visit our cancellation policy page.

Get Started!