Submission #20020 by Temple Israel of Sharon Brotherhood - Sharon, MA (738)

I have read the 2021 Torch Awards Program Guidelines.
Club Name
Temple Israel of Sharon Brotherhood - Sharon, MA (738)
Best Overall Activities
Club Representative
Person completing form
Club President at time of convention if known at this time
Club President Now
Best Overall Programming

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This submission is for the 'Best Overall' club.
The following programs were run in a consecutive 12 month period.

Due to application limitations I was unable to attach all the flyers (emails) and pictures individually. For the items below that have been submitted for individual Torch awards please see the individual applications as indicated. I have 1 attachment for the flyers(emails) and 1 attachment for pictures. There is also 1 attachment for the golf tournament brochure.

Man of the Year - Honoring Cantor Dress - see attachments below for flyer and photos

Tour d'Shul - Regional event - hosted by Temple Israel - see attachment below for flyer

Executive Board Planning Session - submitted for individual Torch award - please see submission

The Combined Temples Charity Golf Tournament - see attached brochure

Temple Sukkah Assembling - see attachments below for email and photos

Paid Up Supper - see attachment below for flyer

Frisco Kid - tribute to Gene Wilder - see attachment below for flyer

Keeper of the Flame - Hosted Regional event

Habitat for Humanity - see attachments below for email and photos

Breakfast Series - Michael Holley - see attachment below for flyer
Breakfast Series - Maria Stephanos - see attachment below for flyer
breakfast series submitted for individual Torch award - please also see submission

HMV - see attachment below for flyer

Routes - see attachment below for flyer

Brotherhood Shabbat - see attachment below for flyer

Lift Your Spirits - submitted for individual Torch award - please see submission

WWW Breakfast / Super Bowl Party - see attachments below for flyer and photos (for WWW)

Deli Man - see attachment below for flyer

Dad's Day Out - submitted for individual Torch award - please see submission

Comedy Night - submitted for individual Torch award - please see submission
Self Assessment
By submitting this application and hopefully winning members from our club will feel good that we are recognized for our overall programming.

This award would encourage our members to continue with new creative programs which would draw people to our club.
Most of our programs are held at the synagogue which draws people into our building. We try to include some aspect of Judaism in our programs. Several of our programs involve the Rabbi. This helps our members and the Rabbi get to know each other.

The Brotherhood is one of the most active arms of the temple if not the most and the temple knows that they can rely on us for any of their needs.
"Most of our programs are held at the synagogue which draws people into our building. We try to include some aspect of Judaism in our programs. Several of our programs involve the Rabbi. This helps our members and the Rabbi get to know each other.

The Brotherhood is one of the most active arms of the temple if not the most and the temple knows that they can rely on us for any of their needs."

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Original Program
Previous Submission