Submission #20716 by Temple Beth Ahm Men's Club - Aberdeen, NJ (923)

I have read the 2021 Torch Awards Program Guidelines.
Club Name
Temple Beth Ahm Men's Club - Aberdeen, NJ (923)
Shirei Tikvah V'Ahavah: Songs of Hope and Love
Club Representative
Person completing form
Club President at time of convention if known at this time
Club President Now
Joint Programming

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During the May Covid-19 lockdowns in NJ, no religious buildings were allowed to be open, and everyone was basically quarantined to their homes. TBA led a multi-temple committee that produced a virtual concert that featured our own temple clergies for the purpose of gathering our local Jewish community together to celebrate with song.
During the NJ Spring lockdown due to Covid-19, TBA Men's Club wanted to bring together our local Jewish communities for an uplifting program. We decided that we wanted to extend this past our own congregation. We reached out to several Men's Clubs and Brotherhoods of shuls around the towns of Aberdeen, Marlboro, Manalapan, and Old Bridge. We received positive responses from Marlboro Jewish Center (Marlboro, NJ), Sons of Israel (Manalapan, NJ), and Temple Shalom (Aberdeen NJ). Facilitated by Temple Beth Ahm's Men's Club, the four clubs worked together as a committee to produce a concert that featured our clergy. Access to the concert was via Temple Beth Ahm's Zoom and Facebook Live Stream. The performers performed from their homes and included: Rabbi Robert Pilavin from Congregation Sons of Israel, Cantor Michelle Teplitz from Marlboro Jewish Center, Cantor Adi Wyner from Temple Beth Ahm, and Cantor Sarah Teplitz from Temple Shalom. An Eventbrite event was created for registration (since this is a free event, there was not charge).

Access to the recorded concert and the associated Facebook comments is via
Self Assessment
The feedback we received was overwhelming. We had over 100 Zoom logins, many of which were couples. I know of about 20 other people who accessed the concert on Facebook live and others who listened to recorded concert on our temple's Facebook page later. Each club received many thank you emails and praises from attendees. During the difficult time of NJs lockdown, our local Jewish community came together to celebrate with song, thanks to this first of its kind multi-temple Men's Club program.
This program exemplified stewardship. Our club led efforts to promote Jewish community, joy and happiness (improved mental health) during a very stressful time, where people felt very isolated.

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