Submission #21190 by Marlboro Jewish Center Men'S Club- Marlboro, NJ (976)

I have read the 2021 Torch Awards Program Guidelines.
Club Name
Marlboro Jewish Center Men'S Club- Marlboro, NJ (976)
Pink and teal Shabbat
Club Representative
Person completing form
Club President at time of convention if known at this time
Club President Now
Health and Wellness

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Pink and Teal Shabbat was a joint programming effort with our Sisterhood and Temple. It was a shabbat weekend to support Breast and Ovarian Cancer awareness.
Many of our arms came together to support this wonderful cause. Each arm took on a certain aspect, Men's Club purchased Pink and Teal Yarmulke to hand out to everyone who attended the program. Sisterhood provided cookies, there were speakers at both Friday night and Saturday and even our preschool was involved by making decorations.
Self Assessment
Mens Club was proud to participate in this weekend session. There was a huge turnout from our entire Shul and many of our members were there and participated.
This program involved us in the Temple for an amazing program. It brought us in to the community and involved innovative programming.
This was to be a yearly event after the success. In 2020, it was postponed due to Covid.

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