Submission #21421 by Park Synagogue Men's Club - Cleveland, OH (335)

I have read the 2021 Torch Awards Program Guidelines.
Club Name
Park Synagogue Men's Club - Cleveland, OH (335)
Let's Get Cooking
Club Representative
Person completing form
Club President at time of convention if known at this time
Club President Now
Family and Youth Programming

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The primary goal of the program was to attract younger participants to Men's Club programming. The secondary goal was to create an event which would benefit the entire participants family We held a Learn to Cook Brisket class. In the class attendees learned how to prepare and cook brisket. They then took a brisket home, prepared it with their family and ate it with their family.
The class was lead by the owner of a local meat shop. He makes his own brisket as well as sells brisket to Competition BBQ champions.

The leader provided all the ingredients, Kosher meat, marinade ingredients and seasoning.

Learned about what makes meat "Kosher" and what animals are Kosher. We also learned about different cuts of meat.
the leader demonstrated how to marinate the meat as well as tips for cooking it and serving it.

The cost of the program was $36 a brisket. Since we were trying to attract younger men to the event the financial goal of the program was to break even. To ensure that we didn't over order meat we required all attendees to pre pay

After selling out the briskets that were ordered we allowed additional people to attend.

Self Assessment
This type of event had never been done by our Club, or at our synagogue for many years. We got a lot of positive feedback from people who participated in the event and in throughout the congregation. It was the first event of 2020 and built momentum for the World Wide Wrap, Men's Club Shabbat and Yom Hashoah Candle Distribution. It was a success because we had several new young members attend and we had multi generational family participation. This was an initial event of this type and we would have held more, but had to postpone due to the COVID lockdown.

The program supports the FJMC mission by creating events for men to share with their families. It also was event for people of all ages and cooking abilities.

The program showed that we can create innovative programs which draw new people to our club. It also showed that we can develop programs that benefit our members families as well.
This was a fun event to plan and participate in. It was fun to watch the kids learn and then help prepare the meal.

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