Submission #21659 by Brothers of Israel Men'S Club - Newtown, PA (504)

I have read the 2021 Torch Awards Program Guidelines.
Club Name
Brothers of Israel Men'S Club - Newtown, PA (504)
Club Representative
Person completing form
Club President at time of convention if known at this time
Club President Now
Community Outreach

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This program involves contributing to local food banks and soup-kitchens by growing vegetables in our synagogue garden which is run by volunteers from Men's Club. We also deliver food collected from synagogue members gardens to local food banks. The overall goal is to help feed people in Bucks county that are food insufficient. The project involves building and maintaining a garden starting in April and ending in September. It involve delivering produce from the garden on a weekly basis from July to September. The basic goals of the program are to 1.feed the hungry, 2. get people involved in physical /social volunteer activity and 3. encourage young people to volunteer and help others., 4. teach people how to garden
The goal of the program is two-fold.
* First, it encourages members including Hebrew school students to get in the habit of volunteering and helping out people in our community. Members can volunteer in several ways. 1. Garden preparation, 2. planting vegetables, 3. garden maintenance which goes from April to September, 4. Picking veggies, 5. Delivering produce to local food banks and kitchens. .
*Secondly, it supports the needy in our community. There is a food-insecurity rate of 15% in Bucks County where we are located. We have successfully grown hundreds of pounds of fresh produce for several years. This is particularly useful since food banks generally do not have access to fresh food for their clients. Most of their supplies are non-perishable canned or boxed foods so providing fresh foods is an important addition to the diet of their clients. In addition we have also made donations from members private gardens to area food banks/kitchens.
Self Assessment
As chairperson for the event, I have personally felt gratified in doing good work for the community and for getting synagogue/ men's club members involved in a worthy pursuit. It brought people together for an enjoyable activity and enabled some people to have some valuable social interaction. Watching the Hebrew school children get involved was a memorable if not chaotic experience. They loved the planting and soil preparation and learning some gardening skills. I was relieved that nobody got whacked with a shovel with about a dozen kids working simultaneously.
The volunteer garden project has been very successful by several measures. First, it has genuinely generated several hundred pounds of tasty fresh produce to the local food agencies. They have on several occasions sent us letters to thank us for our work in helping to feed the hungry in our local area. Second, It has enabled members to get involved in volunteer work and be productive., it has given the Buck county area a positive sense of the local Jewish community. It was a very nice moment especially on one food delivery to a local church food bank, to say that the food was coming from a local synagogue.
This fits directly into the all 3 elements of FJMC's tagline of Leadership,Innovation, and Community. Leadership is exemplified in recruiting volunteers to help out on a weekly basis. Cultivating succession planning is exemplified by getting new people to chair the yearly project. This was an "innovative" concept as we had not history of growing our own produce to support the hungry. And judging by the food banks response to our program, it was totally unique in our area as they did not receive any other donations of this type. And finally, this was a true act to support the community as our area has many residents that are food-insufficient and they greatly benefit from this type of a donation to get fresh food in their diet.

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Original Program
Men's Club members unique idea
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