Submission #21726 by Congregation Beth Israel Men's Club - Scotch Plains, NJ (961)

I have read the 2021 Torch Awards Program Guidelines.
Club Name
Congregation Beth Israel Men's Club - Scotch Plains, NJ (961)
Mens Club
Club Representative
Person completing form
Club President at time of convention if known at this time
Club President Now
Health and Wellness

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Because of the pandemic and the limitation on indoor activity, CBI Men's Club was eager to conduct programming in the fall in a safe, fun way. Moreover, we were very interested in engaging young members. We noticed that on Sunday mornings, many young members dropped their children off for Hebrew School and drove away. With a park and tennis courts, a short walk from the synaogue, we introduced the "CBI Mens Club Tennis League."
The program - which had a $50 budget for tennis balls - was simple. Anyone who paid their dues to Men's Club was a memnber of the tennis league. We began playing 10 minutes after Hebrew School began and played through Sunday mornings on the outdoor courts. We typically reserved 2-3 courts and all members - no matter if they were beginners or experts - played together. We taught each other, we laughed, we welcomed new members and the league grew and grew until mid-December, when the weather forced us to shut down the league. But it will be back in mid-March. We typically have been 10-15 players a week and expect it grow in the spring as word spreads.
Self Assessment
The tennis league was an opportunity to get exercise, to build friendships, to play a great game and to show Men's Club remained vibrant, no matter the obstacle of COVID. I would like to thank our Vice President of Mind and Body, Ken Ades, who coordinated the weekly league and promoted it on social media and through text and email.
All players enjoyed it. It was because it was open to everyone. Competition was intentionally light, as the goal was to bring the men together, not win tennis games.
I think this tennis league was an innovative solution to a problem, the pandemic. It was about using local resources strategially, efficiently, and at no cost to solve a problem - a pandemic limiting in-person events.

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Original Program
This was all new. Never done before
Previous Submission