Submission #21778 by East Meadow Jewish Center Men's Club - East Meadow, NY (833)

I have read the 2021 Torch Awards Program Guidelines.
Club Name
East Meadow Jewish Center Men's Club - East Meadow, NY (833)
good shabbbos from Men's Club
Club Representative
Person completing form
Club President at time of convention if known at this time
Club President Now
Jewish Observance

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Each year Men's Club Sponsors and Leads the congregation in Shabbot Services, usually in coordination with World Wide Wrap weekend. This year, since Covid prevented us from praying in Synagogue, we reached out to our members by presenting them
with a Challah and a bottle of Kosher Shabbot wine This was our way of letting them know that we were thinking of them and hoping they could still enjoy a " Good Shabbos".
We had our members meet us in the rear Parking lot on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. There we presented them with a fresh Challah and Bottle of Kosher wine for the upcoming Shabbot. Everyone has had to sacrifice so many things during these
trying times. We felt that our members should know we were thinking of them and look forward to returning to the Sanctuary where
we could once again lead the congregation in services. It was well received and appreciated. It is our hope that we can continue this
tradition even after we return to our regular Shabbot services
Self Assessment
Everyone who participated was grateful and appreciated the efforts. We hope to continue this tradition each year, even after
health issues are no longer a problem. It fits perfectly with our " Men's Club Sponsored Shabbot".
Program was well received. It gave us pleasure to not only keep in contact with our membership, by seeing them in person in the parking lot, but also letting them know we are still an active club and showing them they are not alone.
Besides being a social outlet for the Jewish community, we are committed to advancing the traditions of Jewish observance and life. Observing Shabbot is not only one of the commandments, but it is also the cornerstone of family life. Anything we can do to help support observance and make the family experience of celebrating Shabbot is most important to us.

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