Submission #21908 by East Brunswick Jewish Center Men's Club - E. Brunswick, NJ (953)

I have read the 2021 Torch Awards Program Guidelines.
Club Name
East Brunswick Jewish Center Men's Club - E. Brunswick, NJ (953)
Bake Sales
Club Representative
Person completing form
Club President at time of convention if known at this time
Club President Now

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Bakery Sale Fundraiser for various holidays, both secular and religious - July 4th, Yom Kippur, Thanksgiving and most recent, "Virtual Kiddush" for Men's Club Shabbat.. Because of constraints during COVID lock down, we included contact free delivery to all of our congregants homes.
With the limited restrictions during the COVID lockdown, Men's Club partnered with a Kosher bakery (who provided the product at wholesale pricing) to provide baked goods to the congregation. We chose specific holidays with the offerings. For example, July 4th barbecue was Apple Pies, Peach Pies and Cherry Pies. We offered Babkas for Yom Kippur Break Fast. As a result of the program, we maintained a one-on-one connection with members of the congregation, as we delivered the goods to their homes. We also printed stickers with well wishes from Men's Club for whichever holiday and attached these onto the baked goods package.
Self Assessment
The program continues to be well received. We reach approximately 10% of our congregational membership.
It supports the mission of community, as it gives one more vehicle to engage on a one-to-one level. Specifically, many of our congregants are older and in total lock down and when we delivered the baked goods, they were ecstatic to see a fellow congregant in the flesh! We also donated some of the proceeds to local food banks to help the greater community.
It's an easy "no-brainer", but meaningful program to raise funds and provide a "face" to Men's Club

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