Submission #22008 by Ohev Shalom Men's Club - Richboro, PA (564)
I have read the 2021 Torch Awards Program Guidelines.
FJMC Other
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Mondays with Men's Club. Our Men's Club has had Zoom programs twice a month to both engage and inform our members and our congregation. These programs are held at 7:30 after minyan. This encourages our members not to just come to our presentations, but also attend daily minyan.
Throughout the pandemic we have virtually hosted a variety of engaging and informative speakers. Our program attendance has greatly increased and has been well received. Following is a list of our speakers. We had both our congressional candidates , Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick and Christina Finello. Open discussions about Philadelphia baseball and football teams with the themes Let's Talk Phillies and Eagles. We reviewed the TV show The Hunters, We did open programs for Let's Talk TV and Let's Talk Travel. Rabbi Avi Finegold talked about kosher alcoholic beverages and the art of making cocktails. Jeff Aeder showed us his collection for his Jewish Baseball Museum. Richard Goldsmith RN talked about CPR and familiarize us with AEDS. David Shallcross from the Attorney General's Office did two presentations on The Ten Most Common Scams and Identity theft. Kate Steck discussed Bee Keeping in Bucks Couinty. The Phildelphia office from the ADL presented the program, Disease of Hate. Jonathan Poritsky, a post production manager, informed us how TV shows are put together. We had the Northampton Police Chief, Steven LeCompt, discuss local policing.. Mark Werner told us all about Volunteers for Israel. Rich Newman, an Elder law attorney gave a timely talk about Medicaid and Asset Protection. Al Treidel spoke about the Richie Boys, the story of Jewish immigrants who served in US intelligence in WW11. We have Rabbi Shlomo Pereira reviewing his book Jewish Voices from Portugal. Sports writer Bob Brookover from the Philadelphia Inquirer talking local sports. jewish professional golfer Ben Silverman will speak to our group in May. We have consistenly provided these programs and have connected to our members throughout the pandemic. We are all looking forward to the days when our programs are in person will stay connected virtually. Steven I Miller, President Men's Club of Ohev Shalom of Bucks County.
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Original Program