Submission #22046 by Emanuel Synagogue Brotherhood - West Hartford, CT (230)
I have read the 2021 Torch Awards Program Guidelines.
Brotherhood Shabbat
Men's Club Shabbat
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Brotherhood Shabbat is a special program for the Emanuel Brotherhood - it is a time for our guys to lead all aspects of the Shabbat morning services as well as show off their cooking talents with an incredible kiddush luncheon for the congregation. When the COVID-19 pandemic struck and our building was closed we knew we had to shift gears if we wanted to hold our special Brotherhood Shabbat. Kiddush lunch was out, however we could daven and read Torah by using Zoom. And. so we did.
1. Coordinate date for Brotherhood Shabbat with our Clergy (needed to avoid conflicts with scheduled B'nai Mitzvot).
2. Email a call for participation as Torah readers, prayer leaders, etc.
3. Populate our Bima Honors Sheet (which lists every part in the service) as parts are requested.
4. Follow-up with emails and phone calls to fill vacant spots.
5. Follow-up with all participants for coaching or providing recordings for practice, etc.
6. Coordinate with our Clergy, Gabbaim, and Zoom host ensuring all have copies of the completed Bima Honors Sheet.
7. Encourage everyone to have some wine or other beverage for a L'Chaim after services.
2. Email a call for participation as Torah readers, prayer leaders, etc.
3. Populate our Bima Honors Sheet (which lists every part in the service) as parts are requested.
4. Follow-up with emails and phone calls to fill vacant spots.
5. Follow-up with all participants for coaching or providing recordings for practice, etc.
6. Coordinate with our Clergy, Gabbaim, and Zoom host ensuring all have copies of the completed Bima Honors Sheet.
7. Encourage everyone to have some wine or other beverage for a L'Chaim after services.
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Original Program