Submission #22069 by Beth Torah Men's Club - Richardson, TX (1713)
I have read the 2021 Torch Awards Program Guidelines.
Annual Shred-a-thon / E-waste Recycling Event
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The goal of the program is to raise funds for our annual budget that supports Men's Club and synagogue programming throughout the year. Costs are minimized by working with a vendor that donates a significant discount on services and then donations are taken as folks drive through to participate in the shredding and e-waste collection.
The program idea was initially a small shredding event in the synagogue parking lot over 6 years ago. The first year we did it, we barely broke even on costs. It was then that we realized such an event required reaching beyond the synagogue community and that we could make a fundraiser out of our community service event by moving to a busy street corner at the local kosher grocery store.
We contract with an on-site shredding company that discounts their rate to us by 50% and that is the only major expense of the event. The grocery store graciously allows us to put flyers advertising the event (see attached) at the registers for about 3 weeks before the day of the event. This flyer draws in roughly 80% of the cars that drive through. We also advertise on local Facebook groups and NextDoor groups in the area surrounding the store. The event grew well the first year we did it at the grocery store.
In our third year, we added the component of collecting e-waste through a vendor that did not charge us and thus it did not add expense to the event. (the vendor makes their $ off the resale of the ewaste/ recycling). We quickly found that it was a great addition and brought in additional people to the event.
This year, our event was held on Sunday, April 11, with a new ewaste collection service that we partnered with through a synagogue connection as well as the same shredding service that we have partnered with for the past 6 years.
Through volunteers and the help of our partners with the shredding and ewaste, we collected donations totaling over $3000 in the 4 hour period of the event.
After expenses, our club netted approximately $2500 which is a significant amount towards our club's operating budget for general yearly expenses.
We utilized for our volunteers to sign up for the event. We used free social media as well to get the word out.
We contract with an on-site shredding company that discounts their rate to us by 50% and that is the only major expense of the event. The grocery store graciously allows us to put flyers advertising the event (see attached) at the registers for about 3 weeks before the day of the event. This flyer draws in roughly 80% of the cars that drive through. We also advertise on local Facebook groups and NextDoor groups in the area surrounding the store. The event grew well the first year we did it at the grocery store.
In our third year, we added the component of collecting e-waste through a vendor that did not charge us and thus it did not add expense to the event. (the vendor makes their $ off the resale of the ewaste/ recycling). We quickly found that it was a great addition and brought in additional people to the event.
This year, our event was held on Sunday, April 11, with a new ewaste collection service that we partnered with through a synagogue connection as well as the same shredding service that we have partnered with for the past 6 years.
Through volunteers and the help of our partners with the shredding and ewaste, we collected donations totaling over $3000 in the 4 hour period of the event.
After expenses, our club netted approximately $2500 which is a significant amount towards our club's operating budget for general yearly expenses.
We utilized for our volunteers to sign up for the event. We used free social media as well to get the word out.
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Original Program