Submission #22073 by Temple Israel Men'S Club - Charlotte, NC (1709)

I have read the 2021 Torch Awards Program Guidelines.
Club Name
Temple Israel Men'S Club - Charlotte, NC (1709)
Fall Golf Outing with Golf Ball Tashlich
Club Representative
Person completing form
Club President at time of convention if known at this time
Club President Now
Health and Wellness

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This pre-HHD golf outing was a particularly good way to build relationships in a fun, friendly, and still Jewish context. We had 20 guys getting together to get to know each other, to not worry about Covid, and to get some fresh air.
What makes a golf outing Jewish? How about a formal Tashlich ceremony where golfers read meditations and blessings, then transfer the sins they want to cast off onto a golf ball, then hit the ball into a lake! The competition was friendly, we sold mulligan packages to raise (more) money for the new Rabbi’s discretionary fund, and we gave out prizes.
Self Assessment
The biggest impact of this event was letting new MC leaders bring an idea to the group and run with it. This was a first-time event because it was something one guy thought would be fun. The “old guys” got out of the way and it worked out very well.
Many attendees said they had never "stayed for Tashlich" on the first day of RH, and they really enjoyed the added Jewish component to a day at the golf course.
What do we strive to do as Jews? We take the mundane and elevate it towards holiness or spirituality. Adding a Tashlich service to a golf outing does just that.

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