Submission #22083 by Temple Israel Men'S Club - Charlotte, NC (1709)
I have read the 2021 Torch Awards Program Guidelines.
World Wide Wrap--Covid Style
World Wide Wrap
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Because we were the originators of the World Wide Wrap, we decided it was important to do everything we could to maintain our tradition of an in-person Wrap, even in the days of a Covid shutdown. We worked with Temple clergy and staff on a plan for a hybrid event, and we had an in-person minyan and program with many Zoom participants joining in.
The front entrance to Temple Israel has a large, covered area perfect for an in-person, socially distanced minyan. We connected a projector, screen, PA system, and camera so Zoom participants could see the minyannaires and Rabbi, and the in-person congregants could see those on the Zoom call. Each chair was distanced from others and had another chair to hold siddur, Tallit and Tefillin bags. The Rabbi shared a Tefillin presentation, and the Cantor shared a woman’s perspective on Zoom. We had first time wrappers joined by men who were attending their first in-person services in nearly a year. We had coffee and pre-packaged breakfast bags for participants. The Rabbi must have said 3-4 times how much he enjoyed getting to “actually pray with real people again.”
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Original Program