Submission #22091 by Anshe Emet Men'S Club - Chicago, IL (608)

I have read the 2021 Torch Awards Program Guidelines.
Club Name
Anshe Emet Men'S Club - Chicago, IL (608)
Club Representative
Person completing form
Club President at time of convention if known at this time
Club President Now

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BBQ AND SHOTS IN THE SUKKAH: MEN'S CLUB annual STEAK AND SHOTS IN THE SUKKAH is our most successful event every year. We were determined to continue this event despite restrictions imposed by the pandemic so we developed a "hybrid" program format.
MEN'S CLUB decided to change the usual format for this event to permit compatibility with synagogue and local city COVID restrictions. Rather than MEN'S CLUB volunteers preparing the full course steak dinner for the attendees, food orders were placed with a local kosher caterer and delivered to Anshe Emet for pick up on the afternoon of the event. Samples of high end Scotch and other whiskeys were put into dram bottles and distributed with the dinner packages for pickup at the same time. These were used for the tasting part of the program that evening. In order to comply with capacity restrictions in the sukkah, only MEN'S CLUB Board members, their spouses, and the senior Rabbi were permitted to attend the event in person. All other attendees connected to the event via ZOOM. We always have an honoree at this event each year so we decided to honor the same individual who was to be our Man of the Year at our Regional Man of the Year event because the Regional event was canceled due to COVID. We also use the event to hold our annual elections because the event is so well attended, and we did so this year by voting in person and via ZOOM. Our annual Scotch and other whiskey tasting portion of the event was lead by the main Scotch rep of a large liquor retailer in Chicago, and she provided detailed information on each item to be tasted in person or at home. This event required extensive coordination with the synagogue staff, caterer, and whiskey rep. An extensive email publicity campaign was used. Everyone remained masked while in the sukkah and seated 6 feet apart. The dinner portion of the event for those attending in person was held in outdoor tents so everyone could be spread out more and unmasked.
Self Assessment
This program had a huge impact on the moral of our MEN'S CLUB and synagogue members as it was the first event to be held with at least a portion of it in person during COVID. It also demonstrated that a semblance of normalcy can be maintained if there is sufficient creativity in planning programs. While we normally have between 80 and 90 in attendance for this event, we considered our attendance of 36 highly successful in view of the limitations of the pandemic. It also was successful in that the event provided us with the opportunity to honor our Man of the Year after the Region was not able to do so.
This program had a huge impact on the moral of our MEN'S CLUB and synagogue members as it was the first event to be held with at least a portion of it in person during COVID. It demonstrated to our MEN'S CLUB members and congregants that a semblance of normalcy can be maintained if there is sufficient creativity in planning programs. It also served as an example for the synagogue and other groups and committees in the congregation to develop creative programming during this period.
Our BBQ and SHOTS IN THE SUKKAH program highlighted our MEN'S CLUB's ability to lead the way in developing creative and innovative programs while maintaining COVID safety restrictions at the same time. It was a major achievement in demonstrating that our congregation can still effectively maintain a sense of community while physically separated.

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