Submission #22093 by Temple Israel Men'S Club - Charlotte, NC (1709)

I have read the 2021 Torch Awards Program Guidelines.
Club Name
Temple Israel Men'S Club - Charlotte, NC (1709)
Monday Minyan Mixer
Club Representative
Person completing form
Club President at time of convention if known at this time
Club President Now
Jewish Observance

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As a Men’s Club with a first-year Rabbi in the age of Covid, we were looking for opportunities to help our men build a stronger relationship with Rabbi Wolk. We did this with a special Men’s Club add-on to a Zoom daily minyan. We arranged a pre-HHD discussion of Rosh Hashanah traditions around the world between the Rabbi and Michael Abadi.
What could be an easier program in the age of remote services than having the Rabbi stay online after minyan for a discussion with the men of the congregation! We chose a date, chose a topic, invited the speaker, then promoted the conversation. We had a dozen guys that learned, participated, and enjoyed the program. This can easily be expanded to in-person conversations, HMV, etc. The idea of planning discussions in association with minyan adds to the Jewish context of our activities. Having a detailed discussion of Yehi Ratsones can become a nice traditional addition to High Holiday programming.
Self Assessment
The impact of making stronger connections with our new Rabbi was strong. We showed him that there is more to Men’s Club than bourbon and cigars and that we can help him enhance deeper meaning and stronger connections through Jewish learning.
Building Community is an important part of what we do. We strive to build stronger relationships with each other as well as with our clergy. Making the effort to help him feel valued, welcome, and respected was one way Men's Club leads our congregation.
Using regularly scheduled religious services as a launching point for other opportunities to build stronger relationships is an easy way to get guys together.

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