Submission #22094 by Anshe Emet Men'S Club - Chicago, IL (608)
I have read the 2021 Torch Awards Program Guidelines.
Kristallnacht Remembered
Educational Programming
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This program was designed to remember and reflect on the horror of Kristallnacht, the Shoah, and antisemitism. The program was held on the 82nd anniversary of this horrific day in Jewish history. The program included the showing of an educational video, participation from our Senior Rabbi, Hearing Men's Voices discussion, and a memorial service led by our Hazzanim.
Note: As submitted, the choice was made to classify this program as "Educational Programming". It could just as appropriately be classified as "Hearing Men's Voices" or the "Jewish Observance" categories.
This program was conducted over Zoom, designed to educate people and help to remember Kristallnacht and think about it from today’s perspectives – 82 years later. The program had the following components:
• Introductory comments from MC President, Alan Mintz
• Description of the flow for the program, from MC Programming VP, Barry Seeskin
• An introduction from our Senior Rabbi, Michael Siegel
• The showing of a 15-minute video providing Kristallnacht historical details,
• 45 minutes for Hearing Men’s Voices Zoom breakout discussions, and
• A brief memorial service led by our Hazzan—Liz Berke, Hazzan Emeritus—Alberto Mizrahi, and Men’s Club President, Alan Mintz including the lighting of memorial candles
The program was held on November 10, 2020 via Zoom, from 6:45 – 8:15 pm. A total of 54 people participated in the program, making it one of our club’s highest participation events.
The day before the event, each registrant was sent an email containing resources relevant to the event. The email included an attachment containing program resources (attached). It provided a few curated references in the following categories--books, videos, podcasts, articles, and organizations relevant to Kristallnacht, the Shoah, and antisemitism.
The substantive aspects of the program began with introductory comments from our Senior Rabbi, followed by the sharing, over Zoom, of the 15-minute video referenced below. This particular video was shown because it was relatively brief and to give everyone a common based of factual information. The Youtube link to the video, “Kristallnacht-The Night of Broken Glass”, is provided here.
As mentioned, HMV discussions were a key component. On the basis of registrations for the event, participants were randomly assigned to discussion groups, generally with 6 or 7 participants per group. This assured the groups were small enough for quality group discussions, yet workable even if groups had 1 or 2 “no-shows”.
Men’s Club board members served as facilitators for each group. The facilitators were sent an email a few days prior to the event with process suggestions as well as sample questions for the discussions (attached).
This program was conducted over Zoom, designed to educate people and help to remember Kristallnacht and think about it from today’s perspectives – 82 years later. The program had the following components:
• Introductory comments from MC President, Alan Mintz
• Description of the flow for the program, from MC Programming VP, Barry Seeskin
• An introduction from our Senior Rabbi, Michael Siegel
• The showing of a 15-minute video providing Kristallnacht historical details,
• 45 minutes for Hearing Men’s Voices Zoom breakout discussions, and
• A brief memorial service led by our Hazzan—Liz Berke, Hazzan Emeritus—Alberto Mizrahi, and Men’s Club President, Alan Mintz including the lighting of memorial candles
The program was held on November 10, 2020 via Zoom, from 6:45 – 8:15 pm. A total of 54 people participated in the program, making it one of our club’s highest participation events.
The day before the event, each registrant was sent an email containing resources relevant to the event. The email included an attachment containing program resources (attached). It provided a few curated references in the following categories--books, videos, podcasts, articles, and organizations relevant to Kristallnacht, the Shoah, and antisemitism.
The substantive aspects of the program began with introductory comments from our Senior Rabbi, followed by the sharing, over Zoom, of the 15-minute video referenced below. This particular video was shown because it was relatively brief and to give everyone a common based of factual information. The Youtube link to the video, “Kristallnacht-The Night of Broken Glass”, is provided here.
As mentioned, HMV discussions were a key component. On the basis of registrations for the event, participants were randomly assigned to discussion groups, generally with 6 or 7 participants per group. This assured the groups were small enough for quality group discussions, yet workable even if groups had 1 or 2 “no-shows”.
Men’s Club board members served as facilitators for each group. The facilitators were sent an email a few days prior to the event with process suggestions as well as sample questions for the discussions (attached).
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Original Program