Submission #22108 by Fair Lawn Jewish Center/Congregation B'nai Israel Men's Progress Club - Fair Lawn, NJ (947)

I have read the 2021 Torch Awards Program Guidelines.
Club Name
Fair Lawn Jewish Center/Congregation B'nai Israel Men's Progress Club - Fair Lawn, NJ (947)
Wine Tasting Event
Club Representative
Person completing form
Club President at time of convention if known at this time
Club President Now

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The overall goal of the Program during Covid 19 restrictions was to outreach & involve our entire Congregational Community in a Kosher Wine Tasting Event via Zoom conducted by our resident Wine Expert & MPC Board Member Howard Kessel. Due to Sanctuary Closure & isolation of many ,this gave us a unique way of communicating with our membership via Zoom as Howard led the sampling of five different Kosher for Passover wines that were pre-ordered & hand delivered to the homes of all participants ahead of the event.
Our Wine Expert Howard Kesssel selected five KP wines (some in small bottles) through a local distributor from different wineries in various countries & then MPC packed them in a cardboard 5-pack along with Evaluation Forms which rated each wine on a
numerical score basis for taste & quality with space for comments etc . We sent out Invitations to all congregants & required RSVP's & pre-payment before event. As shown on enclosed Wine Tasting Flyer that we prepared, cost was $37.00 for (3) 375 ml & (2)187ml
different (both white & red) KP Wine Bottles. Howard talked about history of (type, winery, country) & we collectively
tasted ea. wine while eliciting reactions or comments from participants on likes & dislikes. After 5 "tastes" (with some food)
many participants were thoroughly enjoying the event. ( I personally saved one unopened bottle for Seder night). This was a
very successful interactive event in a year of fewer events & even fewer fundraisers. Although not a huge fundraiser due to
minimal cost of sampler 5-pack of wine , we took reservations & payment form over 40 participants & we had a chance to interact with
each other in a social setting outside of our ongoing Zoom Ritual Services & Zoom weekly classes & a good time was had by all.
This event was pre-publicized with Ads in our Monthly Newsletter per attached & weekly digital "Insider Bulletin" as well as telephone & word of mouth. Its the kind of event that could be done in Spring & Fall before Holidays.
Self Assessment
This program was very well received by all 40 participants. A good percentage were current members of the Men's Progress Club as well as some non-members or inactive members so it was a great way of reaching people & get them more involved. About 15% of total synagogue membership participated so there is lots of room to get more people involved if we repeat this event at a future date. Overall, it was successful & a well received program.
a later date.
This Award would be important to us to recognize the efforts of Howard Kessel & a small cadre of helpers to spend countless hours in selecting & packaging the various Kosher wines at various price points & organizing the procurement &
distribution of the Samplers and then preparing for the wine tasting event, and providing expert commentary
& responses to questions during the session as needed. Materials for Event are available by us to any FJMC Club
upon request who would like to run their own wine tasting event as this is an event that can be readily
replicated by another Men's club in any part of the country as a fundraiser &/or outreach to current or potential new members.
This program supports the FMJC message of Involvement & Innovation. A surprising component of members across
multi-generations have an interest in wine, some are collectors, most are just consumers, but its a great way off getting
people together, via Zoom, ior in-person when synagogues re-open on a large scale, hopefully very soon.

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