Submission #22176 by New City Jewish Center Men'S Club - New City, NY (1850)

I have read the 2021 Torch Awards Program Guidelines.
Club Name
New City Jewish Center Men'S Club - New City, NY (1850)
Political Breakfast
Club Representative
Person completing form
Club President at time of convention if known at this time
Club President Now
Community Outreach

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Our club organizes an annual Political Breakfast on the Sunday prior to Election Day for the benefit of the community. The candidates debate in a structured program. A breakfast is provided at no cost to the attendees.
We consider this event to be community outreach. Every year for at least the past 25 years, New City Jewish Center has held a political breakfast on the Sunday prior to Election Day. For the breakfast, the community is invited to the ballroom of our synagogue to listen to debates between our local political candidates.

There are several races each year that vary depending on the year. Races may include state senate, state assembly, county, and town elections. We generally limit the debate to major party candidates only. Judges who up for election are recognized in the audience, but do not debate.

One or two Men’s Club members work in advance to decide on questions to be asked, and a limited number of questions are submitted in writing on the day of the event.

An agenda is prepared with the approximate times that the candidates will be speaking.

During the debate, the candidates are given a set time to respond. We have a timekeeper who signals the candidate with a warning and when the time is up.

The breakfast is free of cost to attendees. The menu is basically the same each year and consists of orange juice, bagels, cream cheese, lox, onions, lox & eggs, lox & eggbeaters, pastries/cookies, milk, coffee (regular and decaf), and tea. Our kitchen crew consists of about 8 to 12 men and youths. Purchases are made from Costco, a local wholesale/retail bakery, local supermarkets, and directly from a local major purveyor of smoked fish.

The cost of the event is offset in two ways. One, the event is underwritten in part by a synagogue member who is a financial advisor. For this, we acknowledge him at the event and in publicity. Second, we have a raffle the day of the event. Currently the minimum ticket price is $5. Participation in this is optional. The raffle prizes have been current books on Israel, with one book per winner.

The local newspaper does not typically cover the event because it is so close to Election Day and they would need to allow time for alternative responses. The local news television has broadcast that it takes place.

The attendance at the breakfast is quite large, averaging at least 200 people. In 2020, the format was modified due to the pandemic. We had only the candidates and necessary Men’s Club leaders meet at the synagogue. The debates were transmitted via Zoom. There was no live audience and no breakfast. For 2021, we hope to revert to our usual live format.

A brief video excerpt of the breakfast may be found at
Self Assessment
The club members enjoy getting together and working for a common goal. The synagogue gets credit for holding a community event. The community is enriched by hearing the candidates and enabling them to make informed decisions on whom to vote for.
FJMC clubs accomplish their mission of involving Jewish men in Jewish life by i) leadership – club members must take charge in their individual roles to make the political breakfast come together as a success, ii) innovation – we have developed a program that better connects people, and we improve on it year by year, for example, this past year by holding the event virtually, and iii) community – we form long-lasting relationships with the local political parties, candidates, general public and our own congregants and membership.
We recommend that other clubs organize their own political breakfasts prior to Election Day. Contact us for additional information.

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