Submission #22217 by Beth El Temple Men's Club - West Hartford (217)

I have read the 2021 Torch Awards Program Guidelines.
Club Name
Beth El Temple Men's Club - West Hartford (217)
Representing Israel in Tough Places with Israel Ambassador Arthur Lenk
Club Representative
Person completing form
Club President at time of convention if known at this time
Club President Now
Israel / Masorti

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Zoom program featured Retired Israel Ambassador Arthur Lenk. He spoke about his experiences in Azerbaijan, a predominantly Muslim country, and South Africa, a predominantly Black country, from the Israeli perspective. The overall goal of the program was to offer something Israel-related that would be of general interest to our synagogue membership.
Men's Club co-President, Jacob Kovel, suggested we have his brother-in-law, Arthur Lenk, present at a Zoom program. Retired Israel Ambassador Arthur Lenk, who was born in the United States and made Aliyah to Israel in 1982, was very accomplished. Lenk served as Israel's Ambassador to South Africa, Lesotho and eSwatini (Swaziland), 2013-2017, and as Ambassador to Azerbaijan, 2005-2009. He also served as Director of the Department of International Law at Israel's Ministry of Foreign Affairs from 2010-2013 and at Israel's missions in New Delhi, India and Los Angeles, California.

Ambassador Lenk gladly accepted, and we chose a convenient Sunday to have the program. He presented from Israel where it was early evening, while it was morning throughout the United States. We were able to have attendees from all over the world.

Our synagogue has an Israel Engagement Committee which offers Israel-related programs on a regular basis. Men's Club has often co-sponsored programs with them that would be of interest to both groups. This was such a program, so we co-sponsored this program together.

Ambassador Lenk gave a very interesting and informative presentation. He spoke about his career, particularly his experiences in Azerbaijan, a predominantly Muslim country, and South Africa, a predominantly Black country, from the Israeli perspective. We learned about his background, and how a "gap" year after college in the early 1980s spent in Israel turned into his making aliyah to Israel where he has lived ever since. An engaging Q+A session followed his remarks.
Self Assessment
The program was a success for several reasons:
- Programs related to politics and culture in Israel are of particular interest to our club, synagogue and community.
- Ambassador Lenk is very accomplished and gave an outstanding presentation about his experiences.
- We strengthened our relationship with the Israel Engagement Committee by working with them on a joint program.
- It is particularly meaningful when the speaker has a close connection to someone from Men's Club; in this case, he's the brother-in-law of Men's Club co-President, Jacob Kovel.
Jewish Men working together to plan a program for the benefit of our synagogue supports the FJMC mission. It attracted a broad range of people from the Jewish Community. Co-sponsoring with the Israel Engagement Committee helped solidify a strong working relationship based on camaraderie, common interests and core values.
While COVID-19 has forced most programming to be accomplished via Zoom, an unintended benefit is the ability to have speakers from all over the world as well as attendees from all over the world. This program is an example. When most programs become live again, programs in a format such as this can still happen.

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