Submission #22228 by Temple Israel of Sharon Brotherhood - Sharon, MA (738)
I have read the 2021 Torch Awards Program Guidelines.
Lift Your Spirits! "A Taste of Boston" Social Distancing Version
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The COVID-19 pandemic didn't dissuade Temple Israel of Sharon from holding their annual "Lift Your Spirits" Scotch tasting event this past year. We transformed what had previously been a Scotch-tasting, steak grilling gathering into a Zoom-based event featuring Boston craft distillery industry veteran with pre-mailed tasting kits.
The purpose of the annual ‘Lift Your Spirits’ is to offer a social night of education, food, and drink, hosted by the Brotherhood, and open to not only Brotherhood members but to Temple members as well as the community at large. The program is marketed and executed both a ‘fun’-raiser as well as a fundraiser.
2021 event held over Zoom and marketed as a “Special Social Distancing Version”
Keys to achieving success include:
1) promotion through flyers, mailing to homes, Temple newsletter for two months in advance
2) attendance cap (due to food preparation in pre-COVID years or tasting kit shipping during COVID year) which creates urgency to sign up in advance
3) word of mouth, year over year, drives new people as well as repeat guests to the event
4) interesting content presented in easy to understand, logical manner which appeals equally to novice as it does expert
5) speaker makes Judaic connections to the business of distilling and distributing whisky
6) small committee works with presenter to assist with check-in, raffle, setup, food acquisition, prep and serving via buffet (during non-COVID restrictions)
2021 event held over Zoom and marketed as a “Special Social Distancing Version”
Keys to achieving success include:
1) promotion through flyers, mailing to homes, Temple newsletter for two months in advance
2) attendance cap (due to food preparation in pre-COVID years or tasting kit shipping during COVID year) which creates urgency to sign up in advance
3) word of mouth, year over year, drives new people as well as repeat guests to the event
4) interesting content presented in easy to understand, logical manner which appeals equally to novice as it does expert
5) speaker makes Judaic connections to the business of distilling and distributing whisky
6) small committee works with presenter to assist with check-in, raffle, setup, food acquisition, prep and serving via buffet (during non-COVID restrictions)
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An adaptation or enhancement of a previous Torch Award entry TAxx-xxxx|
TA 2017 Silver Award - Adapted for COVID