Submission #22229 by Temple Israel of Sharon Brotherhood - Sharon, MA (738)

I have read the 2021 Torch Awards Program Guidelines.
Club Name
Temple Israel of Sharon Brotherhood - Sharon, MA (738)
Paid Up Outdoor Movie Night
Club Representative
Person completing form
Club President at time of convention if known at this time
Club President Now
Family and Youth Programming

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Our annual Paid Up Supper is an opportunity to begin the year with a fun social gathering and dinner for our members while collecting dues. This past year, due to COVID restrictions, we held a Paid Up Movie Night in the Temple parking lot with masking, proper social distancing (see photos) and pre-packaged snacks. We shoed "The Frisco Kid, with Gene Wilder and Harrison Ford, and had approximately 50 members in attendance on a pleasant evening in late September.
As noted, we had about 50 members and the layout and use of the Temple parking lot worked perfectly. Once of our members set up his speakers and a sound system, and the Temple’s screen and projector worked perfectly well in the space. We dropped off notes at the homes of neighbors adjacent to the Temple to make sure there were no issues with the sound, as it was a weekday evening. Everyone was asked to bring a lawn chair, and the attached PDF shows the layout and placement of chairs, tables, projector. We set up a number of large tables with bagged snacks (chips, cookies, nuts) and soda cans in coolers with ice.

We initially investigated doing this as a drive-in with cars but decided to do it with chairs and not cars in order to accommodate more people and because of issues with the sound system.

There was no charge to attend the event.

We consulted with the Temple leadership and medical committee for permission to hold the event, and also checked with the Sharon Police Department and received their permission to hold the event.

We used white duct tape to mark off where members could place their chairs. Guys arrived before 6pm to start helping set up, and we told people to come at 7:30/8pm to schmooze – with masks of course. We began the movie at approximately 8:30pm.
Self Assessment
As noted, the program was a fun event that allowed willing members to gather safely outdoors during COVID. A number of members chose not to attend the event, and for that reason we also held numerous Zoom-based programs throughout the year.
This program supports camaraderie among our members.
We've provided PDF documents given file size restrictions but would be pleased to provide original PowerPoints and other materials as requested.

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Original Program
Previous Submission