Submission #11981 by Temple Israel Men's Club - Great Neck, NY (841)

Submission information
Submitted by dscherr
Tue, 2017-05-30 15:00
Club Name
Type your club name, When you see your club click on the line. Hint, if your club does not come up try your city. If you still do not pull up your club, are you logged in?
Temple Israel Men's Club - Great Neck, NY (841)
Form completed by
David Scherr
We devoted one of our meetings to strengthening the core. After a demo of what exercises, members then did them.
Dave Scherr attended a tri-regional retreat in June of 2016
Programs may be one-time events or ongoing endeavors. Please briefly describe program.
Many members of the Men's Club serve on the Pastoral committee. They attend and lead shiva minyans.
Scotch and Seder with the Rabbi. A give and take about the seder and its meaning.
Club members participate in the Hatzilu Rescue Organization delivering food to the needy as well as raising funds.
Ushering on the high holidays
Members ran Friday night service, with a dinner and a speaker.
We attended a NY Jets football game in the fall, 2016. Several children joined their fathers.
Sponsored a Rabbinic dialogue with Conservative, Orthodox, Reform and Persian rabbis.
Jack Guberman
Group email; flyers at Shabbat services, synagogue newsletter
David Scherr - Treasurer, New York Metro
Ron Klempner (and many others) attended the Regional Man of the Year honoree dinner in March, 2017