Submission #12035 by Beth Shalom Men'S Club - Clearwater, FL (1328)

Submission information
Submitted by bflenett
Tue, 2017-06-06 00:36
Club Name
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Beth Shalom Men'S Club - Clearwater, FL (1328)
Form completed by
Blake Lenett
HMV event held on 11/30/16 - "R'fuah Sh'leimah: Healing Men's Mind, Body, and Spirit". Topic: Why Men Don't Go To The Doctor.
Visited by Regional President, Ed Margolis, on 1/7/17.
Programs may be one-time events or ongoing endeavors. Please briefly describe program.
Musical Friday Night Shabbat services held quarterly.
Karaoke Night held on 9/4/16 with CBS Sisterhood. Back to School Breakfast held on 8/28/16.
Put up Sukkah (10/16/16), Take down Sukkah (10/30/16)
Purim Shpiel at assisted living home (Inn on the Pond).
Contributed funds for new Youth Siddur, Ushering for High Holidays, Hagbah Training during WWW (2/5/17)
CBS Men's Club Shabbat held on Friday, 2/24/17 and Saturday, 2/25/17
Shabbat Kiddush Bar and Suds in the Sukkah (10/20/16) enhances welcoming of interfaith families.
JNF Trees purchased for members who have lost loved ones. Biblical garden project.
Back to School Breakfast (8/28/16). Family Fishing Trip (11/6/16), Hockey Night (3/16/17), Lag B'Omer Pizza Party (5/17/17)
Family Fishing Trip (11/6/16) held with Temple Ahavat Shalom Brotherhood and Temple B'nai Israel Brotherhood.
HMV - Jewish Men at Crossroads
Jeff Liss
Group E-mails, Robo-calls, Shabbat handouts, Event flyers, Constant Contact, Facebook, Synagogue Website
Blake Lenett - Florida Region VP
Blake Lenett attended Florida Region Man of the Year / Youth of the Year event on 11/20/16.