Submission #12173 by Beth Torah Men'S Club - North Miami Beach, FL (DISAFFILIATED)

Submission information
Submitted by chefmoyel
Wed, 2017-06-14 10:23
Club Name
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Beth Torah Men'S Club - North Miami Beach, FL (DISAFFILIATED)
Form completed by
Mark Moyel
Started a silver sneakers program for our older members, waiting for equipment for program
We had two people attend the keruv training
Programs may be one-time events or ongoing endeavors. Please briefly describe program.
Rich Burger is doing Minyan of confort program & we are helping with changing shabbat themes to attract more attendees
Kosher cooking deministration for sisterhood
Teaching our lay leaders to help lead services, weekly and shabbat
Dilivering Thanksgiving meals to holocaust suvivors and the shut-ins in our community ( non-members of our Shul)
Ushering at all services not just the holidays, and checking Tallisim and yarmukles
Saturday morning
We welcome all interfaith people and help them acclimate to synagouge life, prayers, services with our Rabbi's
A major reduction in paperwork/mailings etc to help reduce our carbon foot print, more electronics deliverys
Base Ball games, Hockey games and a BBQ at the park for family's Johnithan dickson state park
The sports games we go to are with all of the other mens clubs in south Florida Beth Am, Temple Beth Sarray tezeck
We are planning on purchase materials for the Minyan of comfort at the national Convention
Mr Arnie Schecter
e-mails, shuls website and constant contact
Mr Ed Margolis Florida Region President
Mr Rich Berger
We hosted last years Man& youth of the year dinner for the South florida Clubs and had two people selected ( Rich Berger)
We worked with a shul in Canada (skipe) for WWW