HWR- Issue #46

Now a joint publication of the FJMC and MRJ

 Issue #46 - August 16, 2017

I want to thank those that attended a quite amazing Wealth Conference at FJMC’s international convention last month.  The Health part of the convention was also striking as we had Hearing Men’s Voices on Men’s Health issues.  The newest discovery was few Hearing Women’s Voices programs that brought a new dimension to our programming.  Because of the great response we will increase HWV programs to fill this need.   We also want to thank our sponsors and Drs. Klein and Fornari for there input.  Dr. Steven Mandel (Lennox Hill Hospital) is the editor of the Health tip portion of HWR newsletter. He is planning some exciting follow up newsletters on the most provocative topics of our time. Stay Tuned!

For details ask Richard Gray  (rgray@fjmc.org)  and  Gary Smith (gvet@me.com).


The topic today is one that is very important and affects all age levels. A problem we all face at some point in our lives.

Growing Up and Dying to be Thin

Fiana Klein, DO & Victor Fornari, MD

Dr. Victor Fornari is the Director of the Division of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry at The Zucker Hillside Hospital and Professor of Psychiatry & Pediatrics at the Hofstra Northwell School of Medicine.  Dr. Fiana Klein is a doctor of osteopathic medicine specializing in psychiatry at the The Zucker Hillside Hospital.

Eating Disorders (EDs) are often serious psychiatric illnesses that can lead to severe medical complications and even death if left untreated.  It is important to know common behaviors associated with these conditions to help recognize and prevent them.   A total of 13-20% of children and adolescents living in the United States experience a mental disorder in a given year.

The two most common EDs are Anorexia Nervosa(AN) and Bulimia Nervosa(BN). AN affects 0.5% of young woman while BN affects 1-5% of young women, and 5-10% of EDs occur in males. Although EDs are being seen in increasingly younger ages, children under 12 years of age only represent 4% of the total hospital admissions for EDs.  While previously thought of as a Caucasian, middle or upper middle class illness, we now know eating disorders occur amongst all ages, races, socioeconomic class, as well as in both industrialized and non-industrialized societies.  AN is characterized as an intentional restriction of calories causing a significantly low body weight, a fear of gaining weight, and a disturbed body image. BN is characterized as recurrent episodes of binge eating followed by compensatory behaviors (such as inducing vomiting or exercising)  to avoid gaining weight.  

The hallmark for patients with these disorders is their perception of themselves as overweight or fat, when they are often underweight. As patients begin to lose weight they often wear loose fitting clothes and become most isolative and keep to themselves.  Patients who self induce vomiting may have marks on the backs of their hands.  As patients become more ill, they will feel cold, skin will be dry and coarse and they may experience hair loss.  Because behaviors associated with EDs are mostly done in private, patients become very sneaky and secretive with efforts to try to keep others from knowing what is going on. 

Early diagnosis and treatment offers best outcomes to patients suffering from EDs. Treatment often requires a team approach, with a primary care doctor, an adolescent medicine specialists, a psychiatrist, a therapist, and nutritionist. Family involvement and support in treatment is very important and family based interventions have been shown to be most effective for adolescents with EDs.

For information on EDs, please refer to the: 


For more information and questions please contact Dr. Steven Mandel (drmandel1979@aol.com) our Health editor.


We would like to thank our sponsor RCA, Retirement Corporation of America. They have graciously been our primary sponsor for the last 2 years.

"Markets often rise higher than you think is possible and fall lower than you can possibly imagine" - Jim Rogers

The FJMC Convention was an amazing time to grow personally, professionally and fraternally.  Those of us who attended the Wealth Management Conference on Wednesday morning or the Accredited Investor Breakfast on Thursday morning got exciting new perspectives on:

  • A quantitative review of the economy – why the current performance is not out of line
  • Environmentally Friendly investing - better returns and a better world
  • Infrastructure investing –
  • An online site for all your asset tracking and family information
  • Israeli investing with OurCrowd
  • Biotech investing in Israeli startups with Israeli government subsidy

Below are some highlights.  Send us a note if you would like to see the slides.  Our speakers would be most pleased to hear from you and even provide you investment services.

Our speakers are also paying sponsors and supporters of FJMC.  Support our Sponsors!

Addressing the economic environment of the next 2 years. What is the future we are leaving for our kids - Chris Kiley, RCA.  

Chris opened his 3rd visit to the FJMC Wealth Management Conference with an in-depth review of our economy with perspectives on how it is not particularly out of normal expectations.  Contact Chris for more information and insights how his company is guiding investors.  Chris's email is chris.kiley@rca-online.com

Family Financial Conversations - Larry Glazer, Mayflower Advisors.

Larry explained the new FJMC initiative promoting family conversation and communication through a Hearing Men’s Voices initiative.  The initiative initially is focusing on financial issues as being both a safe and meaningful space to strengthen inter-generational ties and reduce those mis-understandings that occur because we have not developed good communication practices.  Get in touch with Gary or Richard to learn how to bring this to your men’s club community. 

Infrastructure Investing - Josh Kohn, Silkworth Financial.

Josh introduced infrastructure investing as a lower risk higher reward area of the economy.  He presented historical information and brought focus on 4 areas of investment – global communications, the shale revolution, renewable energy and water.  Contact Josh (jkohn@silkworthcapital.com) for more information on his unique investment approach.

Environmental, Social and Governance Investing (ESG) – Len Cohen, CF Services Group.

Len captivated the group with his Financial Advisory practice that focuses on Environmental, Social and Governance investing (ESG). His practice combines shareholder activism, tikkun olam and good returns for investors. Contact Len ((asher@ourcrowd.com) at OurCrowd. 

As you can see FJMC can be a partner in your life planning.  Learn from your friends as peers, as well as from professionals that we bring to the table, about finance, health and other family issues.  We are not providing professional advice, just showing options available and opening communications opportunities within your communities. 

Please Google or Bing the sponsors companies for telephone and email information. 

We appreciate you giving us feedback so we can continue to bring you amazing tips on health and wealth. If you would like to get in touch with us email either Richard Gray or Gary R. Smith, DVM.

We hope that you enjoyed this issue and will consider sharing with other members of your club, family, and friends.  Ask them to opt-in and receive this newsletter.  We are building a nice following and appreciate your support.  Dr Steven Mandel is our Medical Editor and Richard Gray and Gary Smith write the wealth articles.  We are looking for guest writers; if interested please contact with Richard or Gary.If you're receiving this from a friend forwarding you the newsletter, you’ll need to ‘opt-in’ to receive this newsletter.  To opt-in, and receive this bi-weekly publication, click on the following link, and provide us with your email address: https://fjmc.org/civicrm/mailing/subscribe?reset=1&gid=1302.

Email sent at approximately 12:30 pm, August 18, 2017

LEGAL DISCLAIMER: This work is based on current events, interviews, corporate press releases, and what we've learned from several mentioned health and wealth newsletters. It is also based on some personal experiences. It may contain errors and you shouldn't make any investment decision based solely on what you read here. It's your money and your responsibility. FJMC is not making specific recomendations of stocks or bonds just possible ideas that might be considered for research and investing purposes. This information is being provided for informational purposes only.

FJMC - Federation of Jewish Men's Clubs - Involving Jewish Men in Jewish Life.  The FJMC involves Jewish Men in Jewish Life through Leadership   Innovation   Community


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