Submission #27724 by B'nai Jeshurun Men's Club - Pepper Pike, OH (325)

Submission information
Submitted by Dale
Tue, 2023-02-14 21:32
I have read the 2023 Torch Awards Program Guidelines.
Club Name
B'nai Jeshurun Men's Club - Pepper Pike, OH (325)
Club Representative
Person completing form
Dr. Jeff Shore
Club President at time of convention if known at this time
Club President Now
World Wide Wrap

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This is a modification of the traditional WWW program to make it truly international, or World Wide!! We partnered with several synagogues in South America to do WWW together. We studied together, we davened together and celebrated together! While each synagogue met in person we also had zoom to join together internationally!
WWW Torch Award
The KIO region held a hybrid WWW this year with congregations in our region as well as several congregations in South America. The goal of this program was to take WWW from a local congregational wrap to a truly international WORLD WIDE WRAP! Our member at B’nai Jeshuran in Cleveland, Jerry Brodsky, learned of a Rabbi in South America who may be interested in davening with us on WWW. Our Regional President, Dale Levy, contacted and met by zoom with Rabbi Leandro Galanternik in December 2022. We discussed the idea of doing WWW together. It seemed we would be able to do this!
We looked into the ways we could make this program happen. Due to time zone differences and halachic requirements for reciting Shema we came up with the following plan. The SA shuls would davin on their own timeline with their own zooms and in-person services. They would finish up at ~10:15 their time which corresponded to 8:15 our time. We would join together at 8:15 EST to have a combined event. The event would begin with a brief introduction of our participants. We had KIO Shuls and the following from SA:
Comunidade Shalom - São Paulo, Brazil
CIP + Curitiba, Brazil
Comunidad Or Israel - Buenos Aires, Argentina
Comunidad Iona - Buenos Aires, Argentina
Next, we would recite the Prayer for the State of Israel followed by Adon Olam. (in Sephardic tradition Adon Olam is sung at the beginning of the service, while Ashkenazik tradition is at the end; so we did it together.) Finally we would do L’Chayim together.
Dale arranged for a local shul, B’nai Jeshuran to host the zoom service. We began at 7:45 AM with teaching to Wrap. Dale Levy led this. When we reached 8:15 AM, Rabbi Hal Rudin-Luria (Cleveland) and Rabbi Galanternik (Brazil) became co-hosts. Our SA brothers and Sisters lead the davening described. Dale introduced the KIO clubs and The SA Rabbis introduced their clubs. We then spent a few minutes schmoozing. Then we departed and began our service. Many clubs left zoom to hold service in person, while many continued on zoom to do service together. Many clubs invited post B’nai Mitzvah students and HS students to participate in local services. Many shuls donate Sets of Tefillin to their students! In fact, the KIO Region donated 5 pairs of Tefillin to our SA congregations!
This was a fascinating collaboration between multiple congregations in South America (with different time zones) with our Region to achieve a meaningful WWW. I have run WWW and BAP for close to 10 years. This has been one of the most meaningful WWW I have run!!!
This was a KIO regional event. As I am a member of multiple shuls in KIO we agreed to submit this under the B’nai Jeshuran synagogue.
Self Assessment
All our advertising was word of mouth!! That being said, we had 5 shuls from KIO and 4 from South America. This was an amazing turnout!!!
The impact was significant in that Wrapping was taught throughout regions, we made serious connections with South America and we learned together across geographic lines. This was an amazing program!
Wrapping Tefillin is arguably the fundamental mitzvah of Judaism! The WWW in general is an amazing program to get Jewish Men involved in Jewish Life. Our adaptation is to et Jewish Men Involved In Jewish Life Internationally. It is unique for a FJMC Region to involve an international community in our program. The nature of our program addresses Innovation and (International) Community. By presenting this program to the FJMC we also invoke leadership..

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