Submission #28029 by Temple Emanuel Brotherhood - Newton, MA (719)

Submission information
Submitted by dmandeau
Mon, 2023-03-13 13:07
I have read the 2023 Torch Awards Program Guidelines.
Club Name
Temple Emanuel Brotherhood - Newton, MA (719)
Turkey Drive
Club Representative
Person completing form
Dr. Jeff Shore
Club President at time of convention if known at this time
Club President Now

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The Brotherhood has been supporting the Mass Ave. Baptist Church Soup Kitchen for over a decade. Pre-pandemic we visited on Monday nights to serve. Twice a year a special dinner is held on Thanksgiving and Xmas where turkeys are also distributed. Seven years ago we found ourselves short handed with Turkeys and we found a way to get them there on time. Ever since, Danny Mandeau has been leading a "Turkey Drive" fundraising campaign. At first it was grass roots but four years ago it became officially supported by the shul. Despite the pandemic great results were still shown even though the dinners were take out only. In 2021 over $7k was raised, This year with the return of our first in person event in three years over $8k was raised! Good thing because the Soup Kitchen needs a new freezer!
See above
Self Assessment
Help the homeless
Brotherhood sponsored and fully run.

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Original Program
Previous Submission
Honorable Mention