Submission #28074 by South Jersey Men'S Club - Cherry Hill, NJ (503)

Submission information
Submitted by mikep2
Wed, 2023-03-15 16:27
I have read the 2023 Torch Awards Program Guidelines.
Club Name
South Jersey Men'S Club - Cherry Hill, NJ (503)
Not Letting Covid Stop Us
Club Representative
Person completing form
Dr. Jeff Shore
Club President at time of convention if known at this time
Club President Now

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Continuity is a very important attribute of the success of the South Jersey Men's Club (SJMC). Consequently, immediately after Covid-19 started shutting down the world, the SJMC successfully implemented a plan to continue its monthly meetings along with a concerted effort to keep in touch with its members. In addition, we continued our distribution of Yom HaShoah Yellow Candles in such a manner as to address safety concerns due to the pandemic.
Part I
Our monthly in-person meetings had provided members with a tasty breakfast, social camaraderie, and informative speakers. After Covid-19 struck and our board decided to stop holding live meetings, a questionnaire was sent to all SJMC members asking them if they would be comfortable with Zoom meetings. Included in the questionnaire was an offer to assist individuals who had limited computer skills or a lack of knowledge regarding Zoom. The board began holding its monthly meetings using Zoom, learning virtual etiquette, and determining the optimal way to run an effective remote session.

One of the earliest programs was a Zoom meeting titled “COVID-19 and You,” in which a physician who is the director of the Infectious Diseases department at the Albert Einstein Medical Center in Philadelphia gave a very informative presentation and answered numerous questions regarding COVID-19. Another meeting featured a physical therapist discussing “Staying Active during a Pandemic.” Very popular was a virtual LIVE meeting which featured a walking tour of the old city part of Jerusalem. Our members were able to ask the tour guide questions and hear the answers.

Additionally, for the first few months after Covid struck, the board contacted each member via phone. The main purpose was to determine if Covid had affected them or their family and to ask if any assistance was needed. Members expressed a great deal of gratitude for the contact during those isolated times, especially those members living alone. Feedback related to virtual monthly meetings was also discussed.

About 40 percent of the members attended the average monthly meeting. Overall, well over half of our members participated. Feedback related to holding these meetings was very positive. Members thanked the board for holding the meetings; significantly, for some, the monthly meeting was the only activity with which they were involved.

The board continued to monitor government organizations such as the CDC concerning Covid-19 recommendations and status. In addition, the board monitored Covid activity as it affected local municipalities.

About two years after the Covid-19 pandemic had started, the board decided to resume holding live monthly meetings with a full breakfast. The board stipulated that no member or guest could attend unless they could prove that they had been vaccinated. This proved to be very successful, with virtually no negative responses and helped members feel comfortable in resuming normal activities.

Live meetings have continued. With the acquisition of computer-linked hardware, SJMC is now also providing a hybrid breakfast meeting, permitting members who cannot attend a live breakfast to enjoy the monthly presentations via Zoom.

Part II
During the pandemic, when the Jewish Community Center in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, was closed, and, later, when many people were reluctant to be near others due to concerns over infection, the Jewish Federation of Southern New Jersey decided to hold its Yom HaShoah virtually. As part of the Yom HaShoah observances in the past, when everyone attended in person, the SJMC obtained and then handed out Yellow Candles so that attendees could light a candle when they returned home. In both 2021 and 2022, when the celebrations were only held virtually, the SJMC asked for and received permission from the Federation to distribute the Yellow Candles curbside in front of the Jewish Community Center. Hundreds of candles were distributed.

Part III
In a related item, after one of our members lost his wife, the SJMC learned that both his son and daughter lived overseas (Southeast Asia and Germany) and could not fly back to the United States due to Covid. In response, the SJMC enabled the son and daughter to join their father remotely and say Kaddish at a minyan conducted via Zoom by the SJMC.
Self Assessment
Members routinely thanked the Board for holding the meetings. For some, the monthly meeting was the only activity in which they felt they could safely participate. It also resulted in our retaining members who moved out of the area because they can still be part of the Men’s Club meetings. Our “snowbirds,” members who spent the winters in Florida, also maintained their connection to the organization. As a result, during the pandemic, our membership increased rather than decreased. Once we began in-person activities, a higher percentage of members participated than before the pandemic.
The mission of both the FJMC and the SJMC is to involve Jewish men in Jewish life. Our reformatting to offer our monthly programs online had a profound impact on our members. It helped build community while reducing the sense of isolation felt by so many during the shutdown.

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