Submission #28076 by South Jersey Men'S Club - Cherry Hill, NJ (503)

Submission information
Submitted by mikep2
Wed, 2023-03-15 16:56
I have read the 2023 Torch Awards Program Guidelines.
Club Name
South Jersey Men'S Club - Cherry Hill, NJ (503)
Connecting With American Jewish History
Club Representative
Person completing form
Dr. Jeff Shore
Club President at time of convention if known at this time
Club President Now
Educational Programming

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The South Jersey Men’s Club (SJMC) provided its members with a field trip to the National Museum of American Jewish History in Philadelphia.
On October 23, 2022, approximately 50 SJMC members and spouses went on a field trip in a classic yellow school bus to the National Museum of American Jewish History, located on Independence Mall and directly across from the Liberty Bell in the heart of Philadelphia. Our purpose was to connect with the 350-year-plus history of Jews in America. We were welcomed by the museum’s director, ushered through security, and then divided up into smaller groups, each with a trained docent. The docents took us chronologically through our history, highlighting George Washington’s letter to the Hebrew congregation in Newport, Rhode Island (to bigotry no sanction), colonial life, the Civil War, westward expansion, the great immigration (1880-1920), World War I, the Depression, World War II, the Holocaust, and movement to the suburbs. Also, there were exhibits on Jews in the arts, entertainment, politics, and the military.
Self Assessment
There was a lot to cover in our 2 hours at the museum, but the enthusiasm was palpable and many of our members expressed the desire to return with their families, to pass along this important history. Perhaps other clubs may be encouraged to visit the National Museum of American Jewish History. Despite current concerns about antisemitism, our members are prouder of our history in this country and realize how fortunate we are to be in this place in this time.
One of missions of the FJMC and the SJMC is to involve Jewish men in Jewish life. Part of that is knowing your roots and history of your people. The guided tours of the National Museums of American Jewish History helped instill that into our members. For some it had a profound impact, while for others it instilled a sense of community

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