Submission #28144 by Temple Beth Ahm Men's Club - Aberdeen, NJ (923)

Submission information
Submitted by sarbital
Thu, 2023-03-23 09:46
I have read the 2023 Torch Awards Program Guidelines.
Club Name
Temple Beth Ahm Men's Club - Aberdeen, NJ (923)
The Holy Temple LEGO Model - A Unique Experience
Club Representative
Person completing form
Dr. Jeff Shore
Club President at time of convention if known at this time
Club President Now
Joint Programming

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On March 19, 2023, five temple Men's Clubs joined together to bring Scholar and LEGO Master builder, Yitzy Kasowitz to Temple Beth Ahm. He brought the Second Holy Temple to life using his accurate 1/613 scale LEGO model as a tool. We flew Ytizy in from Florida. He used his model as a tool to discuss details of the Temple that most people never knew. The model and his presentation was based on extensive research. His presentation was about 90 minutes, followed by a question and answer session that lasted another half hour. This Q&A was followed by many gathering around his model and continuing the conversation with him for another hour.
LEGO Master, Yitzy Kasowitz of has done extensive research of the Second Holy Temple from a variety of sources such as Maimonides, the Talmud, and other scholars to develop his expertise of the Second Holy Temple. He used his research to build what has been identified as the most accurate model of the Second Holy Temple in existence. The model contains over 6000 LEGOS, and is 1/613 size of the actual Temple. It is amazing all the minor details included for accuracy. Ytizy used the model to bring the Temple to life in full detail, including: the Antonia Fortress, Tiropian highway, Kidron Valley, bridges and the grand stairs of the Chulda gates. The different modules of the temple were lifted to show the attendees the details of the different parts of the Temple. He also has a larger model of one of the entry doors and wall with a LEGO figure that showed the enormous size of the Temple, relative to the size of an average man. As he discussed the main sanctuary, the walls of the Holy and Holy of Holies were peeled away exposing the magnificence of the structure, and provided details we never knew. His lifting the Temple Mount section revealed many hidden and unseen details (tunnels, archways, etc.). He also made a prediction of where the arc of the covenant may be buried.

We brought together 5 Men's Clubs from Old Bridge, Aberdeen, Marlboro, and Manalapan. About 90 attendees were in gathered around to learn about the Holy Temple. We did have sponsorships, that were recognized and had preferred seating. Even those most learned about the Holy Temple learned details that were previously unknown. Refreshments were served at the event (cookies, pastries, hot & cold beverages).
Self Assessment
This event brought the Jewish community of 5 shuls across 4 towns together. There was the social aspect of the program. In addition, the presentation brought knowledge of Holy Temple that was previously unknown. Feedback received from attendees was extremely positive, some saying that they will take a sort of pride with them from what they learned, and that it brings more meaning to some of their prayers. Everyone was engaged. Our club, like all has suffered from lack of programming due to Covid. This program ws a great way to show that the Men's Club programming is back and relevant. We are also positioned as the Men's Club that is actively working to strengthen Jewish community both within our shul and across the Jewish Community at large.
FJMC promotes the idea of Jewish Community and Jewish learning. This program achieved those goals. In addition, 2 of the clubs were from reformed congregations, who have now expressed possible interest in joining the FJMC. Follow-up meetings will be had between our local regions and those clubs.
Yitzy is very open to joining the FJMC speakers bureau.

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