Submission #28302 by Olam Tikvah Men's Club - Fairfax, VA (1147)

Submission information
Submitted by behemmer
Sun, 2023-04-23 22:23
I have read the 2023 Torch Awards Program Guidelines.
Club Name
Olam Tikvah Men's Club - Fairfax, VA (1147)
The Jewish experience in the US Military: History and Personal Reflections
Club Representative
Person completing form
Dr. Jeff Shore
Club President at time of convention if known at this time
Club President Now
Educational Programming

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Objective was to have two respected members the US military and of the our synagogue a share history and personal stories of Jewish life in the US military. The program was incorporated into a Sunday brunch that was familiar to our members but still building back attendance levels post pandemic. This was held Jan 22, 2023. To further enhance the topic the brunch featured a menu modeled after a military chow hall. The program drew over 70 people, the largest men's club attended in person event since the pandemic.
Our program opened with a buffet chow hall style brunch - eggs, kosher sausage, potatoes accompanied by the men's club standards of bagels and lox. Once served our first speaker Captain Marc Herwitz gave a 40-minute presentation that he compiled on Jews in the US military - beginning from the French and Indian War in 1754 to the present day. Captain Herwitz fielded a short round of questions. Following this Ret Captain Rosalind Sloan shared her personal experiences for 20 minutes of being Jewish in the US military contrasting situations of being stationed domestically and internationally. Captain Sloan then fielded questions along with further questions for Captain Herwitz.
Our program charged $12 for Men’s club members and $18 for non-members. Probably about half were non-members (many spouses). By holding the educational session as a Sunday brunch, we maximize likelihood of attendance by starting just after Sunday morning minyan and Sunday school drop off. We had many walk-ins to the invite, more than anticipated but the food held out. We had no speaker fees as the presenters were synagogue members and happy to volunteer their knowledge and experiences. That enabled us to keep the costs down and break even for the event.
Finally, we also had a table with materials on Jewish Veteran support agencies for attendees to learn more and contribute to these worthwhile charities.
The event was well regarded. Just recently, as club president, I was contacted by the adult education committee if the men’s club could partner with them and help that group gain traction for their educational programs. Unfortunately, the first one planned conflict with our regular election brunch planning.

I have attached snippets of the presentation as the whole presentation was too large to upload. There is a lot to learn from the whole presentation.
Self Assessment
Very successful. Immediate bounce back for educationally themed brunches post pandemic. Other OT groups have subsequently reached out to Men's Club to help and/or partner on upcoming educational events. We had approx 70 attendees out of our ~600 families and ~120 men's club members. For a comparison attendance at the earlier in the year brunch focused on the election and candidate Q&A drew about 55. Election brunch is usually the largest, so besting that is good sign of building back the interest for in-person educational events.
This brunch highlighted the experiences of two highly respected Jewish US Navy Captains. Leadership oozes out of their pores when the speak. Very inspirational to hear them speak. Additionally, the topic of the Jewish experiences in the US military is very important for Jewish Men to understand in a historical sense as well as the to fight stereotypes in the future.

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