December 9, 2021
Hearing Men's Voices - Are we talking yet?
For over 20 years now, Hearing Men’s Voices (HMV) has become a uniquely great program. It has zero cost (unless you choose to engage a paid keynote speaker to go along with your program) and is a fantastic method to engage men in your club in conversation. It increases social bonds and encourages meaningful dialogue.
By now you may be saying to yourself, “This is all great, but I have no idea how to get started or what I’m even supposed to talk about!”
Fear not! The HMV committee is here to help and guide you.
How to start: I invite you to read over the Hearing Men’s Voice Implementation Guide on the FJMC website or on Google Drive (HMV – Implementation guide)
What to talk about: Pick a theme. It can be anything – sports, retirement, men’s health, etc.
Putting it all together: Build a list of conversational style questions for a facilitator to lead the conversation.
Lastly, if you are still uncomfortable with these steps, our HMV committee is ready to help. I invite you to reach out to me at and together with my committee we will get you over the finish line.
Let’s Talk!
Yours in brotherhood,
Bruce Tomar Charles Richards
HMV chair HMV co-chair