Submission #322 by Temple Israel Center Brotherhood - White Plains, NY (1810)

I have read the General Guidelines, "Nuts and Bolts" and Program Advanced Planning (Excel Spreadsheet) Documents
Club Name
Temple Israel Center Brotherhood - White Plains, NY (1810)
Club Representative
Person completing form
Club President at time of Convention
Club President Now
Youth Programming

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The program consisted of an event to bring to the attention of the families of the Congregation those individuals who served in the US armed forces during the second World War. The program consisted of a breakfast at which all the veterans were invited some of whom spoke in detail of what they did and others just made short comments. Synagogue newsletter had a detailed description of what each Veteran did during the war and one individual did post war who worked for the American Prosecution staff during the Nuremberg trials; and one individual whose husband died /killed on action and a woman who joined the waves; the attendees including the students and youth war invited to ask questions; prior to the breakfast for presentation to the veterans being honored, and this was followed with a meeting with some of the youth at a separate meeting following the breakfast at which time the educational department of the Synagogue were involved.

The overall purpose of the program was to get the youth and parents involved in our Brotherhood as well as to promote Brotherhood as being one of the educational arms of the Synagogue following our early publications teaching the Friday night service, the Art of Jewish Living and the Yellow Candle program. Our goal is to be an integral part of our Synagogue and take on programs which are not done by other groups and be a service arm to the Synagogue.

The idea for the program segwayed from a previous program our Brotherhood did. Once we appreciated that the concept of honoring a single World War II veteran was not feasible because of the age of most Veterans, the committee that was formed decided to check our membership and honor all those who had some connection with World War II, and then it was decided to limit the function just to veterans of World WAR II.

At our first meeting, an individual with whom we had been working to involve the educational, the DIRECTOR OF FAMILY EDUCATION, Ms. Erin Besser walked by and asked if she could listen in to our discussion. We agreed and made her an ex officio member of the committee and we now effectively established a working relationship with the Education department of the Synagogue.

For publicity purposes we used the Shabbat morning announcements and the Synagogue bulletin as well as emails, and we were able tol reach individuals whom we were in aware of as being veterans.

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Self Assessment
The impact on the club/Brotherhood has been tremendous. We are now planning next years event and we are getting ideas and individuals who want to join the committee and take part thereby becoming mored active as members of our Brotherhood. We afde involving and working with other arms of the Synagogue.

One of the individuals who joined our planning committee who was not only a veteran, but a past president
of our Brotherhood as well as a past president of the Synagogue from the early sixties and because he is and was so familiar with many of the Congregants, he became the master of ceremonies of the event which was held on Sunday morning 11 November 2012. Another advantage to our Brotherhood is that when some members want a particular program such as showing a picture about the holocaust which would be if inteest to the entire Congregation, we are being approached.
Because of the success of this program as well as the earlier one the Educational Director now approached us in connection with the FJMC tagline which she read in the movement magazine and was of the opinion that we were very innovative and we started to work with her as well as her assistant the Director of Family planning to plan new programs involving the students. We are now so friendly with Erin Besser that we run ideas by her before we go far. It is always good o have an individual who grew up in a home with a father who is a member of his local Men's club as we recently found out. The tentacles of men's club membership is the glue that binds many of us together.
Brethern, there is nothing wrong in thinking outside the box and developing a program which is of interest and showing some Jewish connection and involving other arms of the Synagogue. The youth that we are trying to involve is your pool of futures mens club members. The women students will get involved with the Women's League from whom we have a great deal to learn. By working with the other arms we can avoid duplication and wasting valuable time.
Original Program
Previous Submission