Submission #406 by Beth David B'Nai Israel Beth Am Brotherhood - Toronto, ON (403)

I have read the General Guidelines, "Nuts and Bolts" and Program Advanced Planning (Excel Spreadsheet) Documents
Club Name
Beth David B'Nai Israel Beth Am Brotherhood - Toronto, ON (403)
Jewish Mens Voices - Health & Wellness and Beyond
Club Representative
Person completing form
Club President at time of Convention
Club President Now
Hearing Mens Voices

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A.J Jacobs tried to live his life according to biblical teaching for a year. He called it "The Year of Living Biblically". He followed it with Drop dead healthy: The quest for Bodily Perfection" documenting his pursuit of health. We at Beth David are creating a 4 year Program invllving personal change and healthy living. We call it "The Year of Living healthfully.
Physical Health: all important medical concerns; maintaining vitamin pill regimen, walking two or threee times a week, weight loss, having regular medical visits; take up dance lessons participate in stretching excercises.

Mental Health: take up meditation or yoga, adopt strategies to reduce anxiety, join a discussion group or book club, take up a volunteer activity; learn a new skill; give up a bad habit.

Stress Reduction: Cultivate mindfullness in gradual steps; learn to think constructively; and learn to take full control of the demands of modern living and society's current norms.

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Self Assessment
Over the past two years (including current) our planning has taken a great deal of time and effort. Sometimes it has left us with limited time to market the various programs. The Programming is well received and is growing in increasing numbers of members coming in. Still not as we would expect.
1. Part of "Hearing Jewish Men's Voices". We are very much aware of this

2. To inculcate healthy living in Jewish men's daily living from physical, mental and other associated perspectives.
Original Program
Previous Submission