Submission #8010 by Tifereth Israel Men's Club - San Diego, CA (1053)

I have read the General Guidelines, "Nuts and Bolts" and Program Advanced Planning (Excel Spreadsheet) Documents
Club Name
Tifereth Israel Men's Club - San Diego, CA (1053)
Steak in the Sukkah
Club Representative
Person completing form
Club President at time of Convention
Club President Now
FJMC - other

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Steak in the Sukkah is an Annual Fundraiser and Dinner for our club. In our fifth year, we started with scotch tasting but have also had tasting sessions for tequila, gin, liqueurs, and vodka. This year we're having wine tasting. We present our annual "Man of the Year" award at this function to the most loyal and deserving volunteer for our activities and his contributions to the synagogue and community.
This program makes sense with at least 40 participants. We stick to a simple menu to keep it consistent. We buy kosher Rib Eye steaks and offer a fish and vegetarian option. Some attendees will not drink any alcohol or even participate in the tasting so your leadership needs to be especially sensitive not to make them feel pressured or alienated in any way. We have a 45 minute cocktail hour with appetizers and usually some wine and micro-brew beer growlers, at the end of which we have a brief D'var Torah usually presented by our Rabbi and then we present our man of the year. We then proceed into the sukkah for a tasting session led by a qualified expert on whatever spirits we're having. After the tasting, we have a buffet dinner with steaks, potatoes, and grilled veggies. For dessert we have fresh baked pareve chocolate chip cookies and fruit salad. We have a drawing for one bottle of alcohol from the tasting choices. The men usually hang around for an hour after dinner to tell jokes and shoot the breeze and that camaraderie is usually the best and most memorable part of the event that keeps the guys coming back each year.

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Self Assessment
Camaraderie creates lasting friendship that spans generations.
Club fundraiser helps raise money for regional and FJMC programs and convention scholarships.
An adaptation or enhancement of a previous Torch Award entry TAxx-xxxx|
Learned about this at a Western Regional Training Session
Previous Submission