Submission #22068 by Temple Israel Men'S Club - Charlotte, NC (1709)

I have read the 2021 Torch Awards Program Guidelines.
Club Name
Temple Israel Men'S Club - Charlotte, NC (1709)
Board Orientation
Club Representative
Person completing form
Club President at time of convention if known at this time
Club President Now
Club Administration

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In a transitional year, bringing many new members onto the board and gently nudging older, long-serving men to step back, we conducted a mini Board retreat and orientation meeting. We got to know each other by sharing our stories, and the new guys learned about MC history, how to navigate temple politics, and the relevance of FJMC.
Due to bars, restaurants, and our synagogue building being closed due to Covid, we met in the back yard of a member. The club president prepared the information packet, the host provided refreshments, and 100% of the new board members attended. This afternoon program helped build energy and excitement, set expectations, and build stronger relationships among the board. It was a great opportunity to introduce FJMC to guys who were only marginally aware, and it also served to reinforce the fact that our older guys were the age of our younger guys when they first got involved with Men’s Club. We paired an older leader with a younger leader for one-on-one discussions, then had each introduce their partner to the group.
Self Assessment
This high impact day set the tone for an active year of deeper involvement by more guys than in many years. New board members didn’t have to ask, “what do I do?” Our Board Orientation was a mini LDI that was very successful. It will make transitioning to a new president much easier! We had 100% participation of our board with seven new members and seven returning leaders.
The new leaders were either mostly or totally unaware of FJMC, it's history, our club's connection to it through the World Wide Wrap, and the relevance FJMC has to our club and men today. The Orientation session, serving as a mini-LDI, changed that, wich will give benefits for many years.
When I first got involved with Men's Club, I was handed a folder with information from the previous year's programs and wished a hearty Mazel Tov. This was better.

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