Submission #22082 by Temple Israel Men'S Club - Charlotte, NC (1709)

I have read the 2021 Torch Awards Program Guidelines.
Club Name
Temple Israel Men'S Club - Charlotte, NC (1709)
Grill & Chill
Club Representative
Person completing form
Club President at time of convention if known at this time
Club President Now
Health and Wellness

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We combined a clothing drive for our neighbors in need with a cookout in the Temple parking lot, music, and games. We went above and beyond with our planning for a Covid-safe in-person event to show our synagogue leadership what was possible, even at the height of the pandemic.
Meticulous planning, including directional arrows on the asphalt for uni-directional foot traffic, a catered and served cookout, and social distancing, even at the tables were just some of the sacrifices we made to get out of the house on a beautiful fall day for fun and fellowship. We had corn hole set up, Israeli dance music playing, and time with our new Rabbi. We also collected nearly 300 articles of clothing for the Men’s Shelter of Charlotte. After lunch, a spontaneous Mincha service broke out, which was the first in-person religious service since our shut-down. That led to an even more spontaneous and rousing Hinei Ma Tov! Another highlight of the event (other than great food and fellowship) was one member donated a new corn hole set and another member who is a professional auctioneer held a one-item charity auction with a promised match for the winning bid over $100. One by one, guys started adding to a member’s bid, and the combined total addition to the Men’s Shelter donation soared close to $1,700! Nobody got sick and people are still talking about the Men’s Club Covid Miracle Cookout!
Self Assessment
The impact of this event was huge. The Men’s Club at Temple Israel has been the only group willing to leave the bunker to promote stronger relationships in a Jewish context (other than our new Rabbi who has made a tremendous effort to meet congregants in their back yards, outdoors over coffee, or wherever else to meet his new congregants). We showed our leaders what is possible with the right intentions, planning, and effort.
This event promoted all aspects of what FJMC stands for. Our Men's Club has been the only group working to give our members in-person opportunities for Jewish observance and socializing during the pandemic. We exhibited leadership for our congregation and we taught newer members how to plan and lead an event. We had to be innovative in our thinking about how to have fun and keep people safe and also how to create a Jewish experience at a cookout. The Community aspects of this program speak for themselves.
We have already begun planning for this Fall's cookout, hopefully connected to Sukkot, that will also serve as a member recruitment drive and our first Torch Award for the 2023 Convention!

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