Submission #22215 by Etz Chaim Men's Club - Thousand Oaks, CA (1036)

I have read the 2021 Torch Awards Program Guidelines.
Club Name
Etz Chaim Men's Club - Thousand Oaks, CA (1036)
Coping with Covid - A Men's Club Sponsored Series
Club Representative
Person completing form
Club President at time of convention if known at this time
Club President Now

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The Men’s Club Sponsored series of events provided support to club members and congregants during the time of the Covid pandemic. Facilitated by a range of mental health care practitioners, guidance about coping, being mentally healthy, and remaining connected during the restrictions and changes necessitated by the pandemic were provided. Participants shared their challenges and personal tips for confronting, adjusting and thriving during the pandemic.
Prior to the pandemic, Temple Etz Chaim (TEC) had a scheduling opening in January. Along with other temple groups, Men’s Club stepped up to participate in a Mental Health Awareness weekend called TEC Cares. It was to be a kickoff of a series of mental health support program the temple would offer the congregation. The MC hosted the Sunday brunch portion of the weekend which featured mental health professionals addressing challenges to multiple demographic groups. The flyer for the weekend was prepared in conjunction with the temple office and is provided as an example.

Not too long after the Mental Health Awareness weekend, the Covid pandemic struck. MC stepped in and offered a series of Coping with Covid sessions beginning in March 2020. These sessions were held during 2020 and into 2021 and not only provided guidance about being mentally healthy, but also a much-needed opportunity for relationship building among MC and temple members.
Self Assessment
We involved a small but growing and appreciative group of men's club and congregational members over the course of several months in a guided program and discussion. All participants found the discussion and connection valuable in that the TEC Men's Club was integral in connecting people during a time of physical though not social distancing.
We involved not only Jewish Men in Jewish Life across multiple discussion series but also provided a service to connect women, and older congregants during a very stressful time. We found a niche - how to connect our members - and filled it.
This is an easy program to run with someone with a modest involvement in the HMV program.

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