Submission #28332 by Beth Shalom Men's Club - Pittsburgh, PA (1208)

Submission information
Submitted by alexanderkiderman
Thu, 2023-04-27 08:15
I have read the 2023 Torch Awards Program Guidelines.
Club Name
Beth Shalom Men's Club - Pittsburgh, PA (1208)
The Beth Shalom Men’s Club Annual Sports Luncheon, Community Outreach
Club Representative
Person completing form
Dr. Jeff Shore
Club President at time of convention if known at this time
Club President Now
Community Outreach

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On Sunday, February 19, 2023, Beth Shalom Men’s Club hosted its Annual Sports Luncheon and welcomed more than 300 guests from the special needs community from 11 organizations in Greater Pittsburgh and 125 current and former professional and collegiate athletes and coaches. The sports celebrities interacted and entertained the special needs guests, served lunch, took pictures, signed autographs, and gave out promotional team pass outs. This outreach by the sports celebrities and Beth Shalom Men’s Club helped put bright smiles on the faces of the special needs individuals and those that accompanied them to the luncheon at Congregation Beth Shalom.
The Beth Shalom Men’s Club has hosted a Sports Luncheon or Dinner for more than 60 years, but this was the first sports luncheon since the pandemic started. Since 1997, the Beth Shalom Men’s Club Annual Sports Luncheon has evolved into having many special needs organizations in the Greater Pittsburgh Area. The last Sports Luncheon that took place before this year’s luncheon was in February 2020, which was a month before the pandemic started. Having our first sports luncheon since the start of the pandemic we didn’t know what to expect in terms of attendance, but the responses from the special needs organizations were very positive. They were so happy that we were having the event again. We were supposed to have 200 special needs individuals and their staffs and families, but we ended up having over 300. A total of more than 500 people packed Beth Shalom’s Samuel and Minnie Hyman Ballroom. In addition to our special needs guests and sports celebrities we also had congregants and members of the community, which included many families with children, as well as representation from local government.
The following sports celebrities attended the luncheon:
• Emily Giangreco, Sports Anchor/Reporter, WTAE-TV Pittsburgh’s Action News 4
• Pittsburgh Penguins Alumni and Stanley Cup Champions Jay Caufield and Tyler Kennedy
o Caufield was a member of the 1991 & 1992 Penguins Stanley Cup teams. He is currently an analyst for AT&T SportsNet, for which he is on the pre-game, intermission reports and post-game shows during Penguins TV broadcasts. He is also an analyst on for WTAE’s “Pens on 4” pregame and post-game shows this season.
o Kennedy was a member of the 2009 Stanley Cup Champions He now is a Hockey Trainer and Coach, which where he offers programs for children ages 5 and up to learn how to play hockey. He also is frequently interviewed about the Penguins on media outlets.
• Iceburgh, Pittsburgh Penguins mascot
• Pittsburgh Riverhounds Soccer Club players forward Robbie Mertz (a native local native Pitssburgher), defender Arturo Ordonez & Goalkeeper Jahmali Waite
• 4 players from the professional Pittsburgh Passion Women’s Football team
• Athletes from various teams from the University of Pittsburgh, including from their football team and a member of the women’s volleyball team which made the NCAA Final Four
• 100 athletes and coaches from Carlow University representing 7 different men’s and women’s sports teams

The event began with celebrities interacting and schmoozing with our special needs guests and signing autographs and taking pictures. Then, the program continued with remarks from our Men’s Club President, Ira Frank, and Sports Luncheon Co-Chair Robbie Zaremberg. A proclamation was presented by Pittsburgh City Council Member Barb Warwick. Emily Giangreco, from WTAE-TV, served as our Master of Ceremonies and introduced all the sports celebrities in attendance. A hotdog and hamburger lunch was served by volunteers and our sports celebrities.

The following items were passed out to guests during the luncheon:
-200 Pittsburgh Pirates Raise the Jolly Roger Flags were donated by Pirates Charities in advance of the luncheon
-200 team photos were donated by the Pittsburgh Steelers before the event.
-Team posters of various Pitt sports teams
-Carlow University Athletics towels and team pictures of various sports
-Pittsburgh Riverhounds autograph sheets and team schedules
-T-shirts and other items donated in advance by PNC Bank

After lunch, Emily, Jay Caufield and Tyler Kennedy engaged in questions and answers about their Stanley Cup experiences. The Community Advisor for City of Pittsburgh Mayor Ed Gainey presented a proclamation.
We also received proclamations for the Sports luncheon from PA State Representative Dan Frankel and Allegheny County Executive Rich Fitzgerald. We displayed these proclamations at the check-in tables by the entrances to the Samuel and Minnie Hyman Ballroom. We then recognized Carlow University’s recently retired athletic director for bringing their athletes to our Sports Luncheon for more than 20 years.
Lastly, we had arm wrestling competitions with a Pitt football player, Riverhounds players, a Carlow athlete, Passion player, kids and some of our special needs guests.
Our Annual Sports Luncheon that took place this past February coincided with Jewish Disability Awareness & Inclusion Month in the United States. It represents an effort among Jewish organizations and communities worldwide to raise awareness and foster inclusion of people with disabilities.
Self Assessment
We welcomed 11 special needs organizations, which brought more than 300 people to the Sports Luncheon. The organizations were the following:
-Merakey Allegheny Valley School
-Mainstay Life Services
-Pittsburgh Mercy
-Step by Step
-Friendship Circle (Chabad)
-McGuire Memorial
-Special Olympics
-Safe Haven
-Verland & The Branch (Jewish Residential Services)

Many of these organizations we have had at the Sports Luncheon for many years. Some of these organizations have been coming to the Sports Luncheon since 1997 when we started inviting multiple special needs organizations. There were some organizations that attended, it had been several years since they last attended.
Melinda Miller, Associate Director of Community Living with Achieva, said the following before the Sports Luncheon.

“Achieva is so excited to be included and to attend the Sports Luncheon!
Thanks again for all that you do to make this event possible and for always including us.”

Ali Dobrowolski from Pittsburgh Mercy said: “Thanks so much for including us again this year! They really enjoyed themselves last time. “

We were happy that so many special needs individuals and their staff were able to attend, and we were able to do the event safely after not having it in 2021 and 2022 because of COVID. We are very fortunate that we were able to rekindle these relationships in 2023. We really were unsure if we were able to even have the event, and we were not sure what the responses would be like until they started sending in their RSVPS before the event.

In addition to the special needs organizations, the Sports Luncheon welcomed attendees and volunteers, which included families and children from various synagogues, Jewish Day Schools and Religious School. We had all sections of the Jewish World in attendance. In addition to the sports celebrities, these families also had the opportunity to interact with the special needs guests.
Not only the sports luncheon is a great outreach to the special needs community, but it is also outreach to the interfaith community. Carlow University is a private Cathlolic university. Carlow’s athletic teams have been attending the Sports Luncheon for more than 20 years. Their head coaches of sports teams, including basketball, attend but also their athletic director comes to the luncheon as well. This year we had both the recently retired athletic director of Carlow and the new athletic director. The whole athletic department, 100 athletes and coaches from 9 men’s and women’s sports teams, were engaged with our event. Carlow was founded in 1929 by the Sisters of Mercy. Carlow's athletic teams are the Celtics, a reflection of the university's Irish heritage and roots. In 2017–2018, the student body was 84% women and 16% men. (Wikipedia)
The University of Pittsburgh’s athletic teams come are very diverse. For the college athletes that attend from Pitt and Carlow, it’s a way for them meet and get to know one another from the other schools. This is a big community service, volunteer project for them but they also get to see a conservative Jewish synagogue and Men’s Club in action. For many, it’s the first time they have been in a synagogue.
For many sports celebrities, it’s the first time they have been exposed to kosher food. Some of the celebrities asked and wanted to confirm that the hot dogs would be all beef and mentioned they knew it would be kosher. While one celebrity asked for a cheeseburger and learned that it’s not served in a synagogue.
Everyone that attends the Sports Luncheon is greatly impacted by this experience and we received support from people all over the community. We raised more than $3,000 in Angel funds from individuals who underwrites the event so all of our guests were able to come for free. We look forward to hopefully having the Sports Luncheon again next February.
After the Sports Luncheon, pictures were shown on the late evening WTAE-TV news and Emily Giangreco mentioned about her experience at the luncheon on the newscast. The Pittsburgh Jewish Chronicle printed a couple photos and a brief on the event. The following were social media posts from our sports celebrities and City Councilmember that attended:
Erica Moore, of the Pittsburgh Passion, posted the following on Facebook:
Erica Moore is with Lisa Horton and
3 others
at Congregation Beth Shalom.
· Pittsburgh ·

This weekend we had the opportunity to enjoy the afternoon with approx. 200 men and women with special needs as guests of the Beth Shalom Men's Club Annual Sports Luncheon. The luncheon was emceed by WTAE-TV Pittsburgh’s Emily Giangreco at the Congregation Beth Shalom. We were beyond grateful & honored to be invited to attend such a special event and left with our hearts full. I am always humbled by any opportunity to touch others lives in a way that makes them smile. We are reminded that love and kindness can truly change others lives. Thank you again for the opportunity. This is yet another reason why I love being a part of Pittsburgh Passion because it gives us the opportunity to teach, learn and grow on and off the field.
Women's Football Alliance
Robbie Zaremberg
#forevergrateful #womensfootball #wfa #wfapro #specialeducation #specialneeds #pittsburgh #bethshalom

Pittsburgh City Councilmember Barb Warwick posted the following on Facebook:
Pittsburgh City Council - District 5
Such an honor to present the proclamation designating Sunday, Feb. 19, 2023 as Beth Shalom Men's Club Annual Sports Luncheon Day in the City of Pittsburgh. What a wonderful event celebrating and bringing joy to so many members of our disabled and special needs community. Thank you Congregation Beth Shalom for the invite and for allowing our office to participate.

Pittsburgh Riverhounds SC
Some of our players had a chance to spend time in the community this weekend as they attended the Beth Shalom Men's Club Sports Luncheon!
Thank you for putting on a wonderful event!
Tikun Olam: Healing the World! The Beth Shalom Men's Club Annual Sports Luncheon is an opportunity for hundreds of special needs individuals to experience an afternoon with sports celebrities in one of the many social action projects sponsored by Congregation Beth Shalom Men’s Club and Congregation Beth Shalom that are conducted throughout the year.
Information about the President:
Ira Frank has been President of Beth Shalom Men’s Club since 2018. He has been instrumental on the Men’s Club Executive Committee and has assisted many Men’s Club presidents for several years prior. Ira started many of the events and fundraisers that Men’s Club runs on a yearly basis. Ira is a life-time member of Beth Shalom Men’s Club and Congregational Beth Shalom. Ira has been a longtime Board member and past President of Congregation Beth Shalom. He is involved in many Jewish organizations including JNF, Israel Bonds and ZOA, as well as being the longtime President of Congregation Beth Hamedrash Hagadol Beth Jacob.
Information about the Preparer:
Robbie Zaremberg has been a member of Beth Shalom Men’s Club and Congregation Beth Shalom since he came back to Pittsburgh after graduating college from The Ohio State University in 2005. Robbie’s father Sandy Zaremberg and their uncle the late Joe Roth were presidents of both Beth Shalom Men’s Club and the Tri-State Region. Sandy has chaired Men’s Club Shabbat each year since he was President in 1991-1992. For the past 15 years, Robbie has served on the Men’s Club Executive Committee and the Annual Sports Luncheon Committee, which he currently is the Co-chair. Robbie was honored by the Men’s Club as Man of the Year in 2019 and was selected to receive the honor again this year in June.

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