Yiddish Lite - FJMC Affinity Group

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Welcome to the

Yiddish Lite is for beginners or non-speakers –  those who wish to learn a bissele (a little) Yiddish, common words and phrases), a few simple songs that maybe Bubby or Zeyde sang to you, and a vitz (joke) here and there. Participants will come away from each session with a greater appreciation of the Yiddish language and an ever-increasing Yiddish vocabulary, and building a glossary of terms as we go along.

Alternate Tuesday Evenings
8:00pm ET | 7:00pm CT | 5:00pm PT

January-June, 2024 Sessions:

January 2, 16, 30
February 13, 27
March 12, 26
April 9
(4/23 No session; Passover)
May 7, 21
June 4, 18


FJMC Webinars are offered free of charge to our members and guests. To help defray the administrative costs of this program, please consider making a donation to FJMC in honor of "Webinar Kudos."

I'm looking forward to seeing you online.
Questions??? More info? Have a suggestions for a presentation?
Contact me by clicking HERE.

In Brotherhood,

Al Davis
FJMC Yiddish Lite Affinity Group Chair


All Upcoming Online Events
and All Previous Programs on YouTube


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