Submission #15803 by B'nai Israel Men's Club - Rockville, MD (1103)

I have read the 2021 Torch Awards Program Guidelines.
Club Name
B'nai Israel Men's Club - Rockville, MD (1103)
Family Halth and Fitness Expo 2018
Club Representative
Person completing form
Club President at time of convention if known at this time
Club President Now
Men’s Health Programs

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The B'nai Israel Family Health and Fitness Expo is being nominated tor the 2019 FJMC Torch Award in the Health and Wellness category. The Expo is in its 13th year and was organized, coordinated, and arranged by the B'nai Israel Men's Club for the families in the congregation and the surrounding community. The event has always been a big success for our congregation as well as for the nearby community - generally attracting over 200 people and over 25 vendors and medical practitioners. The event offers fitness instructors, product vendors, exhibitors, and medical practitioners who provide flu shots, an array of health and fitness screenings, health care product demonstrations, and interesting speakers. This year we had a speaker on medical marijuana. The Men's Club also engages the B'nai Israel clergy and Talmud Torah in the development and conduct of the Expo. Our clergy sit at a prominently-placed table in order to help attendees understand the connection between Jewish laws and the importance of keeping oneself healthy. We charge nothing to attend and nothing to the vendors and exhibitors who participate in the event. Most of the healthy snacks served at the Expo are donated by local food stores.
On October 21, 2018, the B'nai Israel Congregation, located at 6301 Montrose Road, in Rockville, Maryland held its 13th annual Family Health and Fitness Expo. This Expo has been so well received by the congregation over the years that it has become part of the annual calendar year programming for B'nai Israel congregation. It is an event that is always requested because of its relevance and messages. The Men's Club adapts and revises this health fair each year to test out different approaches for engaging the congregation, i.e. our members, Talmud Torah students, library, clergy, etc.). The Expo has been organized, coordinated, arranged, and hosted by the B'nai Israel Men's Club for 13 years.

This Expo has always been a big success for the Men's Club, generally attracting around 200 people and over 25 product and service vendors, exhibitors, and medical practitioners. The 2018 Expo began at 9:30 am, after morning minyan, with a breakfast and speaker session at which healthy food is served, such as fruit, breakfast bars, juices, and healthy snacks. After breakfast, a speaker talked about an aspect of medical practice. This year we had a speaker on medical marijuana. Following the speaker, at about 10:30 am, the people adjourned to the Family Health and Fitness Expo itself. (The Expo generally ends about 1:00 pm.)

The Expo offers a wide variety of medical and fitness services, expertise, and information. For example, medical practitioners provide flu shots, and an array of health screenings. Most years this includes carotid artery screenings, hearing screenings, blood pressure exams, yoga demonstrations, diet and nutrition support, colon health awareness, eye exams, and glaucoma screenings. In addition to a local hospital health outreach network and the Prevention of Blindness Society, several doctors who are members of the congregation donate their time and expertise. Meditation advice and practice is also offered. Fitness instructors screen for flexibility, demonstrate proper exercise methods, and encourage participants to expand their own fitness routines. The Expo also includes health and fitness-related product vendors, such as vitamins, running/walking shoes, Jewish-related social services. The Expo even offers advice on health insurance and financial management, with a special focus on health-related costs.

A very important aspect of the Expo is having our clergy very much engaged in order to help attendees make the connection between the importance of keeping oneself healthy and Jewish law and practice. Members of our clergy actually have a prominently-placed exhibit booth at the Expo to talk and hand out information. For example, one handout is on how Tefillin is very much like acupuncture and can be used to relieve stress. The synagogue library has an important role as well by contributing to the clergy's exhibit a sampling of books demonstrating the Jewish perspective on health. Visitors to that exhibit may also pick up an extensive list of books found in the synagogue library which provide views of health from a Jewish perspective.

We charge nothing to attend and nothing to the vendors and exhibitors who participate in the event. Most of the healthy foods and snacks served at the Expo are donated by local food stores. Over the years, the Men's Club has worked to make the event better and more relevant with the help of local doctors and health-related organizations. It is never exactly the same from year to year. In addition to the continued innovation and evolution of the Family Health and Fitness Expo over the years, a new innovation added in 2018 was the "Note to Self", i.e., a simple written commitment that any participant could make to themselves to change one aspect of their life to improve their health. Based on something at the event that inspired them, they wrote a private commitment to themselves on paper we provided, sealed it in an envelope also provided, and self-addressed it, then dropped it into a box. We held those notes for about 3 months, and then mailed them back to the people that participated. Although the Men's Club doesn't know what each person committed to, our hope is that seeing that note 3 months later (and knowing it was coming) inspired an increased measure of accountability and commitment to improving their individual health.

Because of its longevity, sustainability, innovation, and relevance, we believe that the B'nai Israel Family Health and Fitness Expo is worthy of a 2019 FJMC Torch Award in the Health and Wellness category.
Self Assessment
The B'nai Israel Men's Club receives significant recognition and thanks from the clergy, the Board of Governors, and the families of the entire congregation as a result of hosting the Family Health and Fitness Expo. The recognition has come from both younger and older families and has enabled the Men's Club to make the Expo one of its annual foundational programs. Many of the Men's Club members are engaged and work to make the Expo a reality. Because the Expo is so well orchestrated and so well received, the Men's Club is asked to take on other projects and programs for the synagogue. Working on the Expo has also strengthened our partnership with the B'nai Israel Sisterhood that has enable several joint programs, such as for Hanukah. The Expo has fostered a working group of men to create and deliver other innovative and successful program for the synagogue. Overall the Expo has had a very positive impact for the Men's Club.
For the past 13 years, the Man's Club at B'nai Israel Congregation, in Rockville, Maryland has hosted a Family Health and Fitness Expo. The Expo is for the congregational community as well as the community surrounding the synagogue. Many people have told the Men's Club, as part of the program evaluation, how important the Expo is and what a great service it is to the community. There are some important testimonials that demonstrate the benefits of the Expo to the synagogue and the community. Because of the Expo and screenings that were offered at it, five people were diagnosed with blocked arteries that were found as a result of the carotid artery screenings. All have since been treated for their conditions. In another instance, a mother credits the Expo for saving her son's life. Her son was in his early 30's and participated in a blood pressure screening given by a local health care provider, at which time he was diagnosed with high blood pressure. A follow-up visit to his physician led to the discovery of a defective heart valve, which was eventually repaired with surgery. The mother attributed her son's diagnosis and successful treatment to the initial screening he received at the Family Health and Fitness Expo. Each year, the Men's Club gets very positive feedback and kudos on the Expo. The community really appreciates and expects the Expo each year.
B’nai Israel has a vibrant, active, and enthusiastic Men’s Club that truly touches the lives of every family in this synagogue in some way. The B’nai Israel Men’s Club brings men together for three key reasons: Service to B’nai and our community, strengthening Jewish values, and building friendships in our community. These values are consistent with and supportive of the FJMC mission. Because of our Men's Club's Leadership and initiative with organizing, coordinating, arranging, and hosting the Family Health and Fitness Expo, our community is strengthened and engaged, especially on matters regarding their health and the health of their families. The Family Health and Fitness Expo is a tangible example of how involving Jewish Men in Jewish life can bring real benefits to the Jewish community.

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