Quality Club Award Application
#![]() | Submitted | User | IP Address | Existing Contact | Name | Email address | Club Participation Description (for item 5.) | Regional event attended (for item 6.) | Minyan of Comfort | Joint Program with Sisterhood/Women's League | Jewish Observance | Community Service | Synagogue Service | Men’s Club Shabbat | Keruv | Attracting Younger Members to Your Club | Father-Child or Youth Support | Joint Men's Club Program | Steak and Scotch in the Sukkah/Beer and Bible | Next President | Communication method | Budget | Published Calendar | Membership Drive | Club Member | Name & Committee | Regional Event | International Activity Description | Document For Attaching to Application |
45 | 2023-07-04 10:18 | JMarkowitz | | Beth Torah Men's Club - Richardson, TX (1713) | Jeff Markowitz | jeff.markowitz@verizon.net | Held Hearings Men's Voice programs on Sept 14th 2022 & Jan 18th 2023. Theme was "What is a Good Man"? | Bill Miller and Jeff Markowitz at LDI on August 19 thru 21st | Held joint Breakfast programs with the Sisterhood on Nov 20th, 2022 & Feb 5th, 2023. | For Yom Hashoah, Reading of the Names Havdalah Service; yellow candle lighting followed by 24 hours of reading names | Held Murder Mystery Fundraising Program on Jan 21, 2023. Recipient was Jewish Family Services. Gold Torch Award winner. | Provided High Holiday usher support for all services and built the award winning Sukkah in the Round. | Organized and hosted Friday night and Saturday morning Men's Club Shabbat and prepared food for Oneg and Kiddush. | Day at the Ballpark on April 23, 2023. Included Parking Lot Tailgate and baseball game. | Participated with 4 synagogues in the Feb 12, 2023 World-Wide-Wrap program. | Blended Havdalah with two Cigars and Spirits events in the Fall and Spring. | Bill Miller | Four methods - Weekly eNews, Weekly Shabbat Bulletin, Men's Club Website & Weekly Men's Club Newsletter | Yes | Yes | Yes | David Duchin - Anshei Darom Regional Vice President | David Duchin - Regional Liaison on the FJMC Board of Directors | ||||||
44 | 2023-06-11 16:43 | hibu444 | | East Meadow Jewish Center Men's Club - East Meadow, NY (833) | Jay Steinmetz | jaysteinmetz56@gmail.com | Weekly bike ride with the rabbi. Men gather at shul after shacharit service and ride bicycles to and from our local park. | Jay Steinmetz Attended: LDI, Shabbaton and Regional Retreat. Club visit from NYM Pres. | Name that Tune, Latke & Vodka, Synagogue concerts co-sponsored by Men's Club & Sisterhood. | Hebrew Literacy, Conversational Hebrew, Torah study w/ Rabbi, Bible study w/ Rabbi. | Deliver food and clothing items to homeless shelter and local community center. Deliver toys to children wing of local hospital | Usher High Holidays, build shul sukkah, secured new bookcases and organized siddurim + chumashim in our daily chapel library | Organized and ran Men's Club Shabbat Sat, Feb. 10, 2023. | Run annual Mini-golf at local park. We reach out to young families w/ kids in Hebrew School to join us. | Invite younger member and their families to Mets, Yankees, Rangers, and Islander games. | Join local Men's Clubs with their golf outings & scotch tastings. | Annual event: Scotch & Steak in sukkah. Rabbi discusses reference to beer/ alcohol in the torah. | Neil Zuckerman | Send emails and electronic flyers advertising upcoming events and programs. Advertise MC in weekly newsletter. | Yes | Yes | No | Jay Steinmetz. International Convention Programming Chairman | Warren Berkowitz, Regional Man of the Year Program | |||||
43 | 2023-06-01 23:11 | Alan Blitz | | Temple Sinai Men's Club - Dresher, PA (551) | Alan Blitz | asblitz@gmail.com | Wellness: disc golf and softball. Men's voices: deconstruct Saturday morning service | Bruce Fagan has attended these events. | Men's club and Sisterhood held joint Purim event at a bowling alley | World Wide Wrap, Yom Hashoah candle distribution, Shabbat service deconstruction with Rabbi Wohlberg. | Members of the men's club participated in a few of the food drives led by JRA. | Men's Club and local boy scout troop led Saturday morning shabbat. | Yes we organized a Saturday morning shabbat service with the boyscout troop | Every thanksgiving we participate in an interfaith service with the Baptist and Catholic churches in the area | We held a daddy daughter dance. In mid-June we are going to the Phillies/Braves game with congregation families | The men's club has paid for a mother and son to attend the Phillies game. The price of the seat exceeded her monthly budget... | We held a havdallah service & bonfire. The bonfire was lit and then we held the service. Afterwards, we had a guitarist play. | Alan Blitz for next 2 years | No | No | No | Bruce Fagan and Alan Budman | Bruce Fagan and Alan Budman serve | 2 dozen attended the MOTY event. Alan Blitz was a liaison for this years event. | |||||
42 | 2023-05-31 09:48 | howard.jacobs20 | | East Brunswick Jewish Center Men's Club - E. Brunswick, NJ (953) | Howard Jacobs | howard_jacobs20@yahoo.com | We sponsor a basketball league, a very popular pickleball league, and have sponsored several synagogue wide hikes. | David Julis attended FJMC LDI in Pearlstone, February 3-5, 2023. | We work with other arms of the congregation to ensure there are minyanim for people who need to say kaddish. | We work closely with our Sisterhood and co-sponsored several programs, including "Medical Mishegas - Myths & Misconceptions." | We run an ongoing Yad Shel Chai Program, encouraging people to learn to read Torah. | Donated money to JFS which was distributed to needy families to purchase food for Passover. | We provide ushers for services on the high holidays, and on shabbat. | Held a Saturday morning service in which members lead the various parts of the service. | Posted a set of "welcome" signs encouraging inclusion in front of our shul and discussed it in a d'var torah from the bema. | Sponsored a "Suukah Hop" that was well attended by children in our Hebrew School. | We raised money selling Entertainment Books, and then donated our profits to sponsor USY youth programs. | We invited all the other clubs of our region to our Top Golf event in 11/22, and it was attended by David Glass, president NNJR. | Ran a very well attended "Burgers and Brews in the Booth" during Sukkot. | Howard Jacobs / Marty Hoffman / Arthur Fliegelman / Neil Kosher | 1) programs promoted in shul e-newsletter 2) part of our shul's website 3) send out emails to our members and to the whole shul | Yes | Yes | Yes | David Julis (executive VP of Northern New Jersey Region) | David Libowsky was our Man of the Year. He was honored at the regional dinner which was attended by about 30 of our members. | We approved funds to support members from Africa to attend convention. | ||
41 | 2023-05-30 22:14 | Joel Herman | | B'nai Jeshurun Men's Club - Pepper Pike, OH (325) | Joel Herman | zmanjoel51@gmail.com | happy hour programs covering varied topics, health, finance, travel, comedy | KIO regional retreat, five members attended | "Pop Tarts" musical dance event with Sisterhood, over 140 congregants and guests atteed | Torah study with Rabbi regularly attended by members. | Men's Club sponsored blood drives | Provide ushers, provide kitchen aids, provide Purimspiel participation | Saturday Men's Club Shabbat, with over eighteen members participating, followed by a MC sponsored cholent luncheon | Monsters AHL hockey event, good response, several younger families attended and retained interest in the congregation. | "Sukkah Hop" family competition, families participate in showing their Sukkah, from building to enjoying time in the Sukkahs. | Joel Herman, second term | Regular monthly emails to our full membership, monthly tidings event listings, weekly announcements in Shul email blasts | Yes | Yes | Yes | Dale Levy, KIO regional president, Harvey Wasserman, KIO regional treasurer, Jerry Brodsky, Kio regional secretary | Jerry Brodsky, inclusion committee chairman | David Cohen, M-o-t-Y, KIO FJMC biennial luncheon, eight additional members attended as well. | participated in World Wide Wrap with two South American congregations via ZOOM | |||||
39 | 2023-05-29 15:36 | parkmcpresident | | Park Synagogue Men's Club - Cleveland, OH (335) | Richard Price | parkmcpresident@gmail.com | Men in the Mikvah (10/2/2022). Immersion in the Mikvah before Yom Kippur. Discuss the experience of immersion in the mikvah | KIO Regional Retreat (10/21/2022). Danny Silverstein | Park’s Trivia/Game Night 3/11/2023, Held a joint program with other groups in the synagogue, including sisterhood. | Sponsor Synagogue Selichot Speaker (9/17/2022). | Men's Club members lead daily minyan services to enable congregants to say Kaddish. | Provide Kiddush Cups for all Bar Mitzvah boys in the congregation. | 3/25/2023. Men's Club lead the Shabbat Morning Service, read torah and chanted the haftorah. | Take Me Out To The Ball Game. 7/6/2023. Sponsor father-child groups to attend Lake County Captain's Baseball game. | Participated Event Heart Health with speaker Dr. Dale Levy. 3/19/2023. Collaborated with Temple Emanuel Brotherhood. | Rum & The Rabbi. 12/14/2022. The event included studying bible verses with Rabbi Skoff. | We send out emails and call new Men's Club members regarding upcoming events. We publish announcement in synagogue bulletin. | Yes | Yes | Yes | Tom Sudow | 7th Biennial KIO Meeting. 5/21/2023. Attended by Tom Sudow. | Participated in joint World Wide Wrap event (2/12/2023) with Jewish communities in several Latin American countries. | ||||||
38 | 2023-05-29 13:38 | TBHBE | | Beth Hillel-Beth El Men'S Club - Wynnewood, PA (522) | Samuel Brint | vibrint@aol.com | synagogue softball league | FJMC regional retreat was attended by Lester Shapiro and Lawrence Nathanson | provide shiva dinners and contributions in honor of | Men's Club and Sisterhood Shabbat services | World Wide Wrap, building the Sukkah Village, decorating the Sukkah, Hanukah menorah lighting | Cook for a Friend, food collection for area food pantries, Tzedakah Games | grill / cook serve food outdoors at various community events, High Holiday ushering | held jointly with Sisterhood | working with local church's as to joint programming | Tzedakah Games | Tzedakah Games, Phillies Game, Cub Scouts | Scotch N. Steak, Drinks, Dinner & Discussion with Rabbi Witkovsky | Josh Schachter and Benji Goldstein, Co-Presidents | direct emails to core group (monthly), targeted Men's Club email blasts, inserts in weekly congregational emails, flyers | No | No | No | Lester Shapiro, regional President | Lawrence Nathanson, regional VP, on inclusion initiative committee | MOTY - Howard Elgart, Scott Feuer, Alan Horowitz, Jeremy Heller, Jay Perlman | some members will be attending the international convention in Phila | ||
37 | 2023-05-28 22:59 | jepstein | | Brotherhood of Temple Beth Tzedek - Buffalo, NY (1226) | Jonathan Epstein | jepstein@buffnews.com | We went on a hike on the Eternal Flame Trail in Chestnut Ridge State Park in Orchard Park, NY on Oct. 2, led by member Gil Wolfe | Three of us attended regional retreat in October. I attended LDI. | We have actively co-hosted holiday programs with TBT Kesher Committee, for outreach to members in need | We hosted Men's Club Shabbat on April 1, 2023 | We are routinely working to identify younger men to bring into the club and encourage them to be active. | We held a family BBQ and attendance at the Buffalo Bisons baseball game last summer (and will do so again this summer) | We have routinely collaborated on programs with the Congregation Shir Shalom Men's Group (Reform) in a bid to recruit them. | We held Steak and Scotch in the Sukkah on Oct. 13, 2022 | Jonathan D. Epstein | We regularly send out emails of our programs to our members and the broader shul, and also use the TBT newsletter | No | No | No | Jonathan D. Epstein | Jonathan D. Epstein, Clubs Committee; David Schiller, Israel committee | Jonathan Epstein will attend Man-of-the-Year next month. Three attended a regional social gathering in Erie, Pa. | Raised $2,500 for the Abayudaya and brought in Buffalo Jewish Federation for another $5,000. Raised awareness. | ||||||
36 | 2023-05-28 18:35 | jaysalinger | | Temple Israel of Natick Men's Club - Natick, MA (733) | Jay Salinger | salinger29@yahoo.com | We had an HMV on the topic of Mental Health on May 10, 2023 | David Singer attended regional retreat and international convention | Built sukkah, Led Build-a-pair, WWW. | Held Blood drive. Delivered food to the needy. FInd raiser for Ukranian refugees | We have promoted, attended, and catered breakfast at Sunday Minyan when the synagogue was having trouble getting a minyan, | Men's club shabbat March 4, 2023 | Led nature hikes after religious school | Discussed our programs with "sub-regional" leaders. Send some HMV outlines to Newton, Worcester, and Framingham Clubs. | Scotch in the sukkah | David Landman | regular group emails, temple newsletter, plus we post to the temple facebook page to entice non members to join the fun | No | No | No | David Singer, international secretary | 10 members attended Keep of the Flame | |||||||
35 | 2023-05-28 12:32 | jonlschwartz | | Beth El Men's Club - South Orange, NJ (945) | Jon Schwartz | jonlschwartz1@gmail.com | Men's Club currently maintains both a softball and basketball team. We also sponsor CPR training that is open to all members | We invite regional reps to our annual Burgers & Beer event. We also have members on the Regional board (Scott Horowitz), | n/a | We run the annual Mishloach Manot program with sisterhood. | Regular events called "Bible and Booze" in which we study with our rabbis (with adult beverages) | regular "blizzard brigade," shoveling out members and local families in need. ` | Annual Men's Club Shabbat; Ushers for services; building and dismantling sukkah | Men's Club Shabbat — annual event, including Friday night, Saturday morning and havdalah services | n/a | Maintain a "How to lead a service" program. | n/a | n/a | Annual Steak and Scotch during Sukkot is a major fundraiser. Also regular bible study. | Current president (Josh Mandell) is staying in his position for at least another year. Jon Schwartz has agreed to be next presid | Monthly email to all members of listserv. Also maintain a robust Facebook presence. | Yes | Yes | No | Scott Horowitz, recording secretary | Jon Schwartz — Man of Year event. We had more than 10 members attend, as well. | Created a multi-pronged World Wide Wrap program. Led sessions with our Hebrew school students, explaining tfillin and showing them how to put them on. Then held a tzedakah drive during the minyan on the World Wide Wrap day. | beth-el-mens-club.xls (66 KB) | |
34 | 2023-05-27 11:26 | jstark9 | | Huntington Jewish Center, Huntington, NY | Jeff Stark | jstark9@optonline.net | Collaborated with HJC inclusion committee to build ramp in sanctuary and purchase of hearing assistance devices | Scott Herskovitz attended LDI training Aug 2022. Visit from Metro president Dec 2022 and May 2023 | Participated in programs with sisterhood: Taste of Passover, Purim carnival, Hanukkah happening. | Annual building of HJC's Sukkah, sponsored RS Build-a-Pair program. Joint program with Religious school at NY Holocaust Museum | Assist HJC's active JNN program to make lunches and deliver to Helping Hands Missons throughout the year. | Inspected and cleaned HJC tallisim | Participated with sisterhood in HJC's Men club/Sisterhood shabbat | Younger men's club member organized "Beer and Bible" social event at Six Harbors Brewery | Annual family day at NY Mets game. Father-child ice skating event | Conducted steak and scotch sukkah event at which the HJC rabbi led a lighthearted discussion on how to cut bamboo. | Scott Herskovitz | Emails sent to all club members informing them of meetings and events. Information is also provided in HJC Bulletin | No | Yes | No | Attended Man of the year event: June 2022 Jeff Stark, Ofer Rind, Larry Feibel, Dan Schoeffler | |||||||
33 (draft) | 2023-05-25 19:50 | beztkin | | North Shore Jewish Center Men's Club - Port Jefferson Sta., NY (894) | Benjamin Etkin | betkin@optonline.net | No | No | No | ||||||||||||||||||||
32 | 2023-05-25 17:07 | newman911 | | Temple Beth Sholom Men's Club - Cherry Hill, NJ (561) | Nuri Boardman | ganuri@gmail.com | We have 3 teams in the Softball League that runs from April to July | Multiple members will be attending Convention including Joe Swerdlow, Marc Cohen, and Nuri Boardman | We had a joint event with Sisterhood on Bowling Event 12/5/2022 | Mitzvah Day on Martin Luther King Day - 1/15/2023 - We made chemo bags for local hospital | Ushered for Rosh Hashanah And Yom Kippur | Mens Club Shabbat weekend on jan 20th and jan 21st | Steak and Scotch in the Sukkah on thursday oct 13th 2022 | Nuri Boardman | We have weekly blasts that we send out via constant contact | Yes | Yes | Yes | Marc Cohen | Joe Swerdlow | |||||||||
31 | 2023-05-25 13:30 | MarkRosenson | | Tifereth Israel Men'S Club - Columbus, OH (303) | Mark Rosenson | mrosen3216@aol.com | Several members go on bike rides of various lengths at various locations in Central Ohio from April to early November | a. FJMC regional retreat autumn 2022 | Annual Men's Club Sisterhood Shabbat | Yad Shel Chai program | Hold monthly Shabbat service at an assisted living home. A few of our members now reside there. | Provide ushers for services, do a clean up and organizing project | Saturday morning Men's Club Shabbat (See #2) | Attended a Columbus Clippers and a Columbus Blue Jackets game with families included | Our Men's Club and Temple Israel (Reform) planted flags at the Veteran's graves for Memorial Day | Steak, Salmon & Scotch in the Sukkah | Open | E-mail our members on upcoming activities. We work with our program director to also include our info in shul publications | Yes | No | Yes | Mark Rosenson Man of the Year Annual Event May 21, 2023 | Participated in an international WWW with KIO and several South American synagogues. | ||||||
30 | 2023-05-24 17:20 | behemmer | | Olam Tikvah Men's Club - Fairfax, VA (1147) | Barry Hemmerdinger | behemmer@gmail.com | Hearing Men's voices - Inerfaith families | 5+ at Retreat | Fundraiser - Casino Night | Sold Sukkah Kits. Built Sukkahs. | Built Sukkah at group home | High Holiday ushers. Weeding cleaning up | Friday Night Men's club shabbat with family shabbat dinner | interfaith focused hearing men's voices | Kahoot Trivia night. Kickball game | Nationals Baseball Game | Natonals Baseball - invite extended to regional men's clubs. At least 3 other men's were represented | Sukkot / Jewished themed Kahoot triva wit hbeer and snacks in the Sukkah | Barry Hemmerdinger - 2nd term | email newsletter. Event reminders. Facebook page. Annual Event Postcard. | No | Yes | Yes | Bob Watts International Executive | Barry Hemmerdinger - Seaboard Blue Yarmulke | ||||
29 | 2023-05-24 15:53 | DanHirsch | | Neve Shalom Men's Club - Metuchen, NJ (962) | Daniel Hirsch | danhirsch518@gmail.com | We conducted a HMV program on 11/10/2022 led by Jeff Schulman on the need for men to talk to each other. Basic support systems. | Two of our members (Hirsch, Schulman) went to retreat, and will also attend Convention. | We taught the Hebrew school about Tefillin on | We organized a bike ride with the Central Jersey Bike Club in June, 2023 | The Men's club assists with set up and breakdown for the high holy days, the sukkah, engages in clean up efforts | We organized and hosted a men's club shabbat on March 18. | We participated and helped organize a softball game in the commnity. | The Men's Club held a "welcome back BBQ" and assisted the USY in a an annual carwash | We held steak and scotch in the sukkah on October 13. | Keith Boxer | We routinely communicate to our regulars via text and to our entire community via email. | Yes | Yes | No | Jeff Schulman | Jeff Schulman, Stu Mantel | |||||||
28 | 2023-05-24 14:22 | bealbert | | Beth El Men's Club - East Windsor, NJ (980) | Brian Albert | bealbert@yahoo.com | Hearing Men's Voices | Bob Held attended training with the region | Lead a World Wide Wrap tutorial for the club and Religious School together | At Synagogue-wide Mitzvah Day the Men's Club leads the Cemetery Clean-up activities | Ushering on High Holidays, Cook/Grill for synagogue functions | We ran Men's Club Shabbat on Parsha Yitro | Sippin' in the Sukkah | Brian Albert | Write an article in the monthly synagogue builletin. Publish events to a Men's Club email distribution List | No | Yes | No | Bob Held Regional Officer, Rob Blitzer Regional Officer | We attend Man of the Year | |||||||||
27 | 2023-05-24 14:20 | donbocce | | Temple Beth Ahm Yisrael Men'S Club - Springfield, NJ (921) | Glenn Wohl | donbocce@gmail.com | Implemented inclusion signage on property for 2022 High Holidays. Rabbi's Day 1 RH sermon spoke to inclusion. | David Glass, Paul Peyser, and Glenn Wohl attended Quad-Region retreat in June 2022. | Conducted World Wide Wrap program in conjunction with Women's League. | Put up and took down Sukkah for Sukkot. | Men's Club Shabbat to be held on June 10, 2023. Earlier dates not available due to large number of B'nai Mitzvah. | Steak and Scotch in Sukkah on October 2, 2022. | Glenn Wohl | Monthly emails to membership. Inclusion of events in weekly Temple e-newsletter. Calendar published on website on club page. | Yes | Yes | No | David Glass, President NNJR region | David Glass and Paul Peyser attended Man-of-the-Year event. | ||||||||||
26 | 2023-05-22 13:36 | agouraguy | | Temple Etz Chaim, Thousand Oaks CA | Irwin Barney | irwinbarney1@gmail.com | HMV program was conducted on Jun 14 on mentoring -- "who were your mentors, advisors, guides" | Mark Goldstein, club Vice President, attended LDI. Several other senior club members attended as well. | Led Friday evening and Saturday morning Shabbat services jointly with our Sisterhood on Chol HaMoed Pesach. | Conducted Build A Pair program prior to, and during, the World Wide Wrap. | During the Temple's Mitzvah Day, our club participated in providing sandwiches for Harbor House, which services the homeless | Our club provides ushers for every Shabbat service, as well as the ushers for all High Holiday services | Led Friday evening and Saturday morning services on Shabbat Shuvah | Created and promoted new scholarship program to support camp attendance and other youth leadership activities | Conducted annual Steak, Scotch and Bible BBQ in our Temple's Sukkah on October 12. | Mark Goldstein, our Vice President, has agreed to serve as our next President. | Multiple: Temple email blasts; regular mail; regular club email blasts | Yes | Yes | No | Benny Sommerfeld and Gary Katz are elected EC vice presidents | ||||||||
25 | 2023-05-16 06:22 | miltonlipitz24 | | Beth El Men's Club - Cedarhurst, NY (831) | Milton Lipitz | mlipitz121@gmail.com | Northwell Health Exercise Program started 7/24/22 "How to Stay Young Forever"; Biking-M/C President bikes with members | Ongoing discussions with Pres NY Metro Division on programs; Attend FJMC Conv. 6/29-7/2 | "How to Run a Minyan"-Advanced and Beginners classes-Tuesday/Thursday Evenings-Run by M/C Member-Attendees M/C and Sisterhood | Organized several programs together-Guest Speaker 10/30/22; Veteran's Shabbat 11/12/22; and Jewish Trivia 2/26/23 | Bible Study with Rabbi/Wed. mornings; Organized Veteran's Shabbat; Kristallnacht; Chanukah Candle Lighting Prog; visit to OHEL | Volunteered to usher during holidays; Clean up campaign prior to holidays; and provide Moriah films to Congregants; | 4/22/23-30 Participants -Speaker-"US Supreme Court Considers Issues of Sabbath Observance"; Honored "Man of the Year" | 2/12/23-WWW Program where students from Hewlett East Rockaway Jewish Center joined our youth to learn how to lay Tefillin | Attended NY Mets Games 8/9/22 and 5/31/23; Fathers/Grandfathers and Children/Grandchildren; approx.30 attendees for both games | Norhtwell Collaborative Program-7/24/22 and 3/19/23-Temple Israel; Sons of Israel; HERJC; Shaaray Shalom; JCC; Beth El; & Hillel | Milton Lipitz-Updated Chaverot on 8/26/22 & 5/16/23 | "News and Notes"; Letters; Flyers; and E-mails to Congregants; M/C Website; Quarterly Newsletter (The Messenger); | No | Yes | Yes | Milton Lipitz-Pres. of Temple Beth El's Men's Club-Appointed to Board of Directors International FJMC 22-23; and from 23-25 | Milton Lipitz-Men' Club Shabbat-Subcommittee of Board of Directors International Committee | "Man of the Year" events held on 6/12/22 and 6/11//23-Virtual Events; Attend FJMC Biennial Int'l Convention 6/29/23-7/2/23 | messenger-jan._feb._mar_0.docx (13 KB) messenger-april_and_may_0.docx (13 KB) minutes-jan._2023.docx (17 KB) minutes-sept_2022.docx (16 KB) minutes-2023.docx (17 KB) | ||||
24 | 2023-05-12 09:20 | hfreed | | Har Shalom Men's Club | Harold Freed | hiphal2@verizon.net | 45 member Golf Group plays twice a week and has breakfast every Thursday. 2 to 4 groups play. | Hal Freed, and others, attended the June 2022 Seaboard Region Retreat | Men's Club held Joint monthly Sunday Speaker Brunches with the Sisterhood | We held our annual Sukkah Kit sale to members of the congregation. Three kits were sold. | Men's club provides usher and greeters to assist in Shabbat services | Our annual Men's Club Shabbat was held on Apriil 15, 2023 | We have poker group and encourage involvement by younger members. They not only play poker; but also go out with their wives. | Steve Schuster | We email a monthly newsletter to our membership and provide input for the monthly Congregation newsletter | Yes | Yes | Yes | Richard Sternberg is the Seaboard Region Treasurer | Hal Freed is the Programming Co-Chairman for the 2023 FJMC Convention | Vic Cohen and Rob Singman, attended and were honored at the Seaboard BYPOY Brunch held on Apri 23, 2023. | We have contributed to the Abayudaya Jewish Community in Uganda and Hal Freed attend meetings with the Rabbi from Abayudaya | |||||||
23 | 2023-05-10 20:15 | irakizner | | Highland Park Conservative Temple Men's Club - Highland Park, NJ (910) | Ira Kizner | ikizner347@gmail.com | Bowling with IDF Soldiers 11/07/22 | a.Quad Regional Retreat Larry K and Al D b.LDI Larry K | Learning with the Rabbi. Torah on Tap 02/26/23 | Delivered Food to Feed Homeless Men in New Brunswick. 02/12/23 | Ushers Provided for all services during High Holidays. | Mens Club Shabbat Saturday morning services. 03/25/23 | Scholarships provided, as a result of proceeds from Yellow Candle distribution, to help send our youth to summer camp. | Wraps and Whiskey in the Succah. | Monthly Club flyers sent in the temple mailing to all congregants on upcoming programs | Yes | Yes | Yes | NNJR Regional Vice President Larry Klioze, FJMC Board of Directors Al Davis | International Convention Committee Larry Klioze, Hearing Mens Voices Committee Al Davis | Many attendees at the Man of The Year Dinner. | ||||||||
22 | 2023-05-10 19:38 | Committ987 | | Barry Goldschmidt | barrygoldschmidt@aol.com | We had a Hearing Men's Voices discussion session on 1/8/23 where we discussed how we dealt with the COVID pandemic. | the seaboard FJMC retreat at Pearlstone Center on 6/24-6/26 | we sponsored a joint Shabbat dinner with the Beth Israel sisterhood on 11/11/22. | we held a paper shredding event for the community on 5/7/23 | we provided ushers for the high holiday services, we helped distribute Yellow Candles, built the succah, and prepare event meals | we had our Brotherhood Shabbat service on 3/18/23. The guest speaker was the director of the Baltimore Jewish Council | we had our steak or salmon, and scotch dinner in the sukkah 10/13, where the rabbi discussed the meaning of sukkot | TBD | club's program are on shul divrei at least once a month, and on shabbat service programs, emails have been sent to membership | No | Yes | No | Jerry Benesch was 2023 Blue Yarmulke honoree on 4/23/23 | brotherhoodroster_2022-2023.xlsx (88 KB) brotherhood_calender.xlsx (9 KB) | ||||||||||
21 | 2023-05-08 01:34 | bflenett | | Beth Shalom Men'S Club - Clearwater, FL (1328) | Blake Lenett | blake.lenett@verizon.net | Held Hearing Men's Voices program on 3/19/23 to discuss the origins of Chassidism. | Attended Regional LDI and Club Training on 4/30/23. | Held Veteran's Shabbat service for Veteran's Day on 11/12/22. | Co-sponsored Chanukah Celebration and Purim Gala with Sisterhood. | Sunday morning Men's Torah Study Group to discuss a variety of theological subjects which are addressed from the Bima. | Participated in Reverse Tashlich beach cleanup before Rosh Hashanah. | Installed new mulch on shul playground; put up and took down Sukkah; provided security for Shabbat and Holidays. | Held Brotherhood Shabbat on Saturday, 2/4/23. | Held Wine Tasting Event on 12/3/22 for interfaith families. Participated in International Interfaith Day of Peace event. | Hosted the Annual Lag B'Omer Family BBQ on 5/9/23 with water slide and games for the kids. | Jewish Heritage Night with Tampa Bay Lightning on 12/15/22. Donated proceeds from Yellow Candles to Religious School. | Hosted Italian Nite (dinner and entertainment) with nearby Men's Clubs on 11/13/22. | Pets and Suds in the Sukkah event held on 10/13/22. | David Sadowsky | Group E-mails; Robo-calls; Synagogue Website; Facebook; Shabbat handouts; Event flyers. | Yes | Yes | Yes | Blake Lenett - President Florida Region | Blake Lenett - Regional Presidents Council | Florida Region Jewish Heritage Night with Tampa Bay Lightning on 12/15/22 | Participated in International Day of Peace at Weaver Park on 9/21/22. The theme was "End Racism, Build Peace" and there was speakers from different faiths, live music, a Taoist Tai Chi demonstration, and a candlelight vigil. | |
20 | 2023-05-07 15:57 | zmost71 | | Plainview Jewish Center Men's Club - Plainview, NY (854) | Joel Moskowitz | jmosk1016@aol.com | Walk for a Cause, held once a year. Nov 6, 2022 is a two mile walk in order to raise funds for the Island Harvest food Pantry. | 6b. Shea Lerner attended an LDI training course from 2-23 to 2-5-23 at Reistertown Md. | PJC does work with our clergy in order to hold and attend Shiva services for our members. | PJC Joint Program was held on March 11,2023 | N/A | Several times during each month we make food kits for the poor and deliver them to Island Harvest in Suffolk County. | Our Men's club serves as Ushers for High Holiday Services. | N/A | N/A Please note at PJC,the Rabbi does not encourage our Men's club to welcome and hold interfaith discussions, that is his role. | We organize Dinner events in order to attract younger men to join and to lead programs within our club. | N/A | Texas Holdem tournament held with Midway Jewish Center in order to raise funds for both temples, held Jan 17th, 2023 | Steak and Scotch with ritual for the holiday of Sukkot, held in our Sukkah on October 13, 2022. | Stuart Haimes | Regular communications conducted via email, synagogue newsletter, electronic print, The Orbit and Hakol and website. | Yes | Yes | Yes | 18b. Stuart Haimes and Shea Lerner | N/A | Man-of-the Year event Bruce Elowsky, Jeff Reiss | N/A | |
19 | 2023-05-06 14:47 | jayseliber | | Marlboro Jewish Center Men'S Club- Marlboro, NJ (976) | Jay Seliber | jseliber001@yahoo.com | Hearing Men's Voices program run on April 30, 2023 - Baseball as a Road to God. We also ran a biking event in October 2022 | Len Whitman and Lance Adelson attended regional retreat at Camp Zeke in Poconos, PA in June 2022 | We jointly participated with Sisterhood in running our temple blood drive event on February 8, 2023 | We conducted the Build-a-Pair program with our 6th grade HS students, as well as the Build-a-Grager program with our 4th graders | Through our Haimisha Helper program, we helped an elderly community member clean out his house | Frequently assist temple - building sukkahs, BBQ'ing for Back-to-Shul night, cook latkes for Hanukkah event, sell Passover wine | We ran a Men's Club shabbat service on March 24, 2023 | We participated in a joint Men's Club program on a LEGO program about the Holy Temple - Temple Beth Ahm and 3 other temples | We held our Sports Bar in the Sukkah event on October 13, 2022, as well as a Steak & scotch dinner on October 20, 2022 | We regularly send e-mails to our extended membership list about upcoming events and newsletters, and share flyers w/ NNJR region | No | Yes | No | Len Whitman, VP Rosh South for NNJR region | Numerous members attended the Man of the Year event on December 11, 2022 | We contributed funds to help allow members from the Abayudaya community to participate the FJMC convention | blood_drive_2023.jpg (486 KB) updated_mens_club_flyer_-_joint_lego_holy_temple_event_-_march_2023.jpg (297 KB) sports_bar_in_the_sukkah_flyer_-_9-22.jpg (691 KB) mens_club_2022_2023_flyer.doc (799 KB) mens_club_hearing_mens_voices_-_april_2023.jpg (729 KB) mjc_mens_club_steak_and_scotch_dinner_flyer_-_8-10-22.jpg (467 KB) mens_club_flyer_10-26-22_-_bike_ride.jpg (396 KB) mens_club_flyer_1-25-23_-_world_wide_wrap.jpg (442 KB) mens_club_shabbat_and_pour-im_flyers_-_feb_23.jpg (681 KB) mens_club_passover_wine_order_form_2023.pdf (154 KB) mens_club_yellow_candle_flyer_april_2023.jpg (695 KB) mens_club_flyer_11-21-22_-_moy_yoy_dinner.jpg (426 KB) | ||||||
18 | 2023-05-02 12:14 | Briesenberg | | Etz Chaim Men's Club - Marietta, GA (1711) | Barry Riesenberg | briesenberg@gmail.com | Etz Chaim fields — not one, but TWO — softball teams in the Atlanta Jewish League | Etz Chaim had the highest number of participants at the Anshei Darom Regional Retreat | Trivia Night held off-site at a local restaurant with more than 40 attendees | Men's Club initiated a new Monday with the Rabbi Torah Study after morning Minyan | Etz Chaim Men's Club member led synagogue members in citywide Fun Run | Men's Club provides ushering and members lead services on High Holidays and throughout the year | Conducted services for Men's Club Shabbat on March 12, 2023 | Men's Club sponsored sports outings: Atlanta Braves, Thrashers hockey and Shoot-the-Hootch rafting to attract younger members | Steak-and-Scotch (and Tequila and Bourbon) in the Sukkah; Torah-on-Tour with the Rabbi at a local Brewery | Mathew Nathan | Corresponding Secretary posts Men's Club programs in monthly Etz Cham Newsletter (Voice of Chaim) and in weekly e-blasts | Yes | Yes | No | Alan Lightstone is Anshei Darom Regional President | ||||||||
17 | 2023-04-30 17:40 | jonzimmer | | Kol Ami Brotherhood - Tampa, FL (1357) | Jonathan Zimmer | jonzimmer3@gmail.com | A. Camping outing over Labor Day weekend w/ hiking. B. HMV session about men's health issues---ED and general health. | FJMC Florida Regional training in Boca Raton on 4/20/23, attended by Jon Zimmer | We held a Brotherhood/Sisterhood Shabbat weekend where members led services, read Torah, etc | "Torah on Tap" Torah study on that weeks parsha w/ Rabbi Marc Blatt at a local restaurant/bar. | Our "Chai Guys" meets monthly to do clean-ups for the shul. Pulling weeds and beautifying the garden, pressure washing the shul | We did, but as above listed, co-ran it w/ Sisterhood. | Aforementioned camping. Attracted a few newer families w/ young kids that attended. | Group attendance at a MLB (TB Rays) and a NHL (TB Lightning) game, open to families, organized by Brotherhood | Steaks and Scotch in the Sukkah during Sukkot, Rabbi Marc Blatt led a drash/discussion | We have an active club FB page, send out e-mails, update our page on the shul website, are in the synagogue's "Weekly Watch" | Yes | Yes | Yes | Jon Zimmer---Yellow Candle chairman, Florida FJMC | |||||||||
16 | 2023-04-30 13:25 | jsaltsberg | | Midway Jewish Center Men's Club - Syosset, NY (890) | Jason Saltsberg | jsaltsberg@olshanlaw.com | We hold a monthly Hearing Men's Voices session on the first Tuesday of each month led by members of our club. | Jonathan Brody and Michael Korgood attended the regional retreat. | Co-hosted two guest speaker programs with our Sisterhood. | Participated in an axe throwing fundraiser to benefit the Crohn's & Colitis Foundation. | Coordinate and provide greeters for High Holiday services. | Organizing and hosting Shabbat on May 13, 2023 to coincide with recognition of our Man of the Year and Youths of the Year | Family bike riding event to be held on June 4. | Family event to New York Islanders game. | Poker night with Men;s Club from Temple Beth Torah | Scotch, steak and seder event prior to Passover where our rabbi leads a discussion on how to make your seder more meaningful | Michael Korgood | Weekly e-mail send to our club's e-mail distribution list. | Yes | Yes | Yes | Jonathan Brody - Regional Vice President | Jonathan Brody - Yellow Candle and Torch Award | Annual New York Metro Region Awards event | |||||
15 | 2023-04-30 10:47 | jbrajer | | North Suburban Beth El Men's Club - Highland Park, IL (614) | Jori Brajer | jbrajer@gmail.com | Before Shabbat backyard session following Highland Park July 4th Parade Shooting, providing a place to support/bond/decompress | Club attendance at the Midwest Region Retreat | Co-sponsored virtual Game and Trivia Night programs | Sponsored inclusive classes to teach Hagbah lifting technique to those who were interested to doing Hagbah during Torah service. | active leadership role in Moat Chitim food packing and delivery and worked with the clergy to do food donations pickup | Serves as door monitors for Synagogue services and usher coordinators | Shabbat dinner, Saturday morning services, Saturday night program and Sunday learning session. | Local Men’s Club softball league, Commissioner is a Club member | At recurring Kiddush Club, inject learning and Ruach, through singing, learning and discussion. | Jori Brajer | Weekly club and Synagogue emails and articles in the Synagogue bulletin | Yes | Yes | Yes | Marc Richards, Midwest Region Financial Secretary | Barry Kravitz honoree for Man of the Year, multiple club members attended event | contribute funds to the Abayudaya community, several synagogue projects including a club board member son's Mitzvah project | ||||||
14 | 2023-04-28 10:30 | DiamondMC | | Beth El Temple Men's Club - West Hartford (217) | Dave Diamond | daviddiamond2@comcast.net | The Beth El Men's Club runs a twice weekly "Walk Around the Reservoir", weather permitting, | New England Region annual Retreat at Camp Ramah held in June 2022. | Support of local Connecticut Immigrant and Refugee Coalition (CIRC), making a significant donation this past year. | Led Saturday morning services on December 3, 2022, and sponsored the luncheon. | Several programs were organized by younger board members: Fantasy Football League, Indoor Golf Outing, Sports personalities. | Fantasy Football League draft and season long activity attracted many parents their children. | 10/23/22 Joint Breakfast Program with Emanuel Synagogue Brotherhood (W. Hartford) at a church which previously was a synagogue. | Ribeye and Red Wine in the Sukkah on 10/13/22. | Arthur Freedman | Synagogue bi-monthly newsletter, weekly e-blasts of activities, Facebook announcements, Men's Club e-mails to its members. | Yes | Yes | Yes | Marty Melnick: Co-chair of recruiting reform and orthodox synagogues. Chair recruiting international clubs. | Sunday, November 6, 2022 - FJMC-CTV Keeper of the Flame Brunch. Attended by multiple members, including Dave Diamond | ||||||||
13 | 2023-04-24 15:19 | hondoman18 | | Temple Israel Men'S Club - Norfolk, VA (1121) | Norman Soroko | nsoroko@cox.net | Attended the Norfolk Tides Baseball Game and went on a walk through Seashore State park in Va. Beach, Va. | Our President and Vice President attended the Seaboard Region Retreat last July in Pearlstone | Our club leads the Shiva Minyans in person or zoom pending on the families comfortability and Provide Psalm Readings at death | Men's Club Shabbat was done Jointly with the Sisterhood on May 13th coming up. | We do a Tuesday morning Torah Study on zoom with our Rabbi and Torah at the Beach one Monday night a month. | We so twice a year a huge food drive and school supplies drive for Jewish Family Service and Granby Elementary School in Norfolk | We do weekly Shabbat Ushering and ushering at the High Holidays | Besides a Shabbat jointly with Sisterhood, we do our own in the winter months. LAst one was December , 2022 | We invite all new young members to a free membership to partake in Minyan and Shabbat Services. | We also give money to send kids to Camp Ramah or JCC Camp in our area. Let the families choose. | We do a summer event with Beth El Norfolk each August | We do Hot Dogs and Hamburgers in the Sukkah every year and invite new families to join us. | James Gordon | Weeekly emails go out to the congregation and monthly in our bulletins advising of all of our programs. | Yes | Yes | Yes | Richard Yanku is a Regional VP of Seaboard. | Blue Yarmulke Person of the Year at Rodef Shalom on May 7th. | ||||
12 | 2023-04-23 12:19 | jepstein | | Brotherhood of Temple Beth Tzedek - Buffalo, NY (1226) | Jonathan Epstein | jepstein@buffnews.com | Our club held a hike on the Eternal Flame trail in Chestnut Ridge Park in Orchard Park, NY, on Oct. 2, 2022 | Both a regional retreat in October 2022 with KIO, and LDI in February 2023. Both in person. | Working on planning for activity for upcoming year. Had plan for one this past year, but it fell through. | We participated in World Wide Wrap by helping to teach the children in the Community Religious School about tefillin. | Co-host & support TBT's Kesher Committee Outstretched Arms Chanukah, Purim and Pesach holiday programs for Jews w/special needs | We organized and hosted a Men's Club Shabbat on April 1, 2023 (Saturday morning), with kiddush afterwards | TBT Brotherhood hosted a trip to the Buffalo Bisons baseball game last summer, open to families. | Worked with nearby Reform congregation men's club to co-sponsor and co-promote events. | We hosted a Steak and Scotch in the Sukkah on Oct. 13, 2022 | Jonathan D. Epstein | Regular and frequent group emails, local club page on regional website, synagogue website, synagogue newsletter | No | No | Yes | Jonathan Epstein, regional president | Jonathan Epstein, FJMC Clubs Committee | Jonathan Epstein, Scott Herman and Dwight Thomas at regional retreat, Jonathan Epstein at Man-of-the-Year | Promote and contribute significant funds toward the Abayudaya. Member David Schiller participates in FJMC Israel committee | |||||
11 | 2023-04-21 17:48 | elovitzclan | | Neveh Shalom Men'S Club - Portland, OR (1097) | Mitch Elovitz | elovitzclan@comcast.net | Bike Ride August 7th 2022 | Mitch Elovitz attended LDI in August 2022 and Western Region FJMC Shabbaton in March 2022 | Dinner in the Sukkah October 11 2022 | Beer and Torah November 2022 | Toilet Paper Drive benefitting Neighborhood House a Social Service Agency 12/2022 | Built Synagogue Sukkah October 9th 2022 | Occurring May 19th 2023 | All families or Men of Neveh Shalom get a one year complementary membership to Men's club and are included in all of our events. | Monthly get togethers at bars/restaurants in the area, one of which was axe throwing attracting younger men. | Night of baseball to the Hops a A league team is scheduled for July 9th 2023 | Joint poker game with Shaare Torah another Conservative synagogue in Portland | Potluck dinner in the Sukkah, Beer and Torah monthly. | Jake Sheff | Email, text, Instagram, Facebook, Newsletter of synagogue, Email from synagogue. | Yes | Yes | Yes | Mitch Elovitz Regional Administrative Vice President | Mitch Elovitz Yellow Candle Committee and Quality Club | Regional Retreat in March of 2022 | |||
10 | 2023-04-21 16:00 | ScotF | | B'Nai Amoona Men'S Club - St. Louis, MO (631) | Scot Fowler | scot.a.fowler@gmail.com | Hearing Men's Voices - Male Health with Dr. Ronan Lev | Midwest Region FJMC Retreat (May 13-15th, 2022), LDI - Baltimore (August 19-21st, 2022) | Men's Club/Sisterhood sponsored the Staff Chanukah Recognition Luncheon (December 21, 2022) | 2023 World Wide Wrap (February 12, 2023), Build-A-Pair Program (February 5, 2023), 2023 Men's Club Shabbat (March 4, 2023) | Men's Club and Sisterhood share responsibilities every week performing Floor/Bimah Gabbais duties | 2023 Men's Club Shabbat (March 4, 2023) | B'nai Amoona Men's Club provides necessary funding for all Jewish boys and girls who want to attend Jewish Summer Camps | 2023 Bnai Amoona/Kol Rinah Man & Youth of the Year Luncheon, (March 12, 2023) | Axe Throwing with the Mohel (January 26th, 2023) | Scot Fowler | Monthly Group Emails, Monthly Boys Night Out Marketing via Google Forms, Shul Website, Emails, Shul Newsletters | No | Yes | Yes | Creighton Cohn - Midwest Region President, Jay Englander - Midwest Region Vice President, Mark Givarz - 2023 Convention Co-Chair | Creighton Cohn - Chicago and St. Louis Man & Youth of the Year events (March 26, and March 12, 2023) | |||||||
9 | 2023-04-19 13:32 | savictor | | Congregation Beth Judea | Sanford Victor | sandy_victor@hotmail.com | Monthly shul wide exercise program. Hearling Men's Voices Jan 15 bouncing back from pandemic. | 3 members attended the 2/3-5, 2023 LDI. | Run a Minyan of Comfort program for the shul in support of shivas. | Ran a joint program with our Sisterhood for Hanukah called "Taters and Tequila". It invovled latke and Tequilla tastings. | Built sukkah for use by the shul and a second drive thru sukkah. The drive through sukkah was manned by Men's Club members. | Collected and provided food to the Ark that supports needy persons at the High holidays. | Sponsor shul website. | Held a Men's Club Shabbat service on April 8. | Sunday morning breakfast when dropping of kids at school. Sisterhood runs a program for women at the same time. | Current President's term is from July 2022 till June 2024. | Our Men's Club has a Facebook page and sends out emails to the memebership identfying Club activities. | Yes | Yes | Yes | Eric Yegelwel is a Midwest Regional Vice President and Ron Friedman is the Corresponding Secretary. | Orin Rotman and Sandy Victor are co-chairs of the FJMC Minyan of Comfort committee. | Man/Youth of the Year program is hosted at our shul on March 26. | ||||||
8 | 2023-04-15 07:12 | gkeimach | | Temple Israel of Sharon Brotherhood - Sharon, MA (738) | Gary Keimach | gkeimach@comcast.net | Sunday morning hiking series led by one of our members; HMV theme for this year: Inclusion & Diversity. | 7 Members attended NERFJMC Retreat at Camp Ramah in Palmer, MA last June. Two of which led a program at the retreat. | We deliver a shiva meal to any Brotherhood member and/or spouse who experiences a loss. | Burgers & Beer in the Sukkah was held in conjunction with our Sisterhood. | We build the sukkah for the congregation to enjoy each year. | Deliver food to home bound people on Thanksgiving and Christmas; 20+ members participate; through HESSCO. | We provide ushers for High Holiday services. We helped the new Rabbi move in and out of his apartment. | Brotherhood Shabbat; this year in two parts due to COVID. Includes: Scholar in Residence; Sat. evening concert; Shabbat Kiddush | Two of our members are Chair of the Temple's Inclusion Committee. Our HMV theme this year was focused on Inclusion. | Outing to a local Pinball Museum attracted young family participation. | A team rides in Tour d' Shuls. They raise money personally and we overlay with our own donation to Camp Ramah's Tikvah program. | Combined Charities Golf Tournament is now aligned with AJC, Amer. Friends Mogen David Adom, March of the Living. | Jewish Routes Series: Our Rabbi interprets certain beliefs, rituals and customs as described in the Bible. | Gary Keimach | Monthly board meetings: agenda sent at least 7 days in advance by email; open to all members. | Yes | Yes | Yes | Ken Turkewitz, Exec Vice President NERFJMC | Elliot Feldman, Club Services and Expansion | Keeper of the Flame; this year's honoree was Sonny Michelson | New England Friends of The March of the Living | brotherhood_calendar_of_events_2022-2023_1.pdf (198 KB) paid_up_supper_2022.jpg (115 KB) burgers_beer_in_the_sukkah_2022.jpg (111 KB) brotherhood_weekend_scholar_in_residence_flyer.jpg (303 KB) brotherhood_weekend_concert_flyer.jpg (272 KB) hmv_series_2022-2023.pdf (429 KB) brotherhood_jewish_routes_22-23.jpg (106 KB) |
7 | 2023-03-29 12:29 | arthurlashin | | Beth Sholom Men'S Club - Elkins Park, PA (532) | Arthur Lashin | alashin@comcast.net | Hearing Men's Voices - Adjusting to Retirement Life | Quad Regional Retreat, Hersh Muchnick MAR LDI, FJMC LDI | Men's Club Shabbat (April 1), World Wide Wrap, Sukkah Building, Leading Morning and Evening Daily Minyans | Herb Soble Memorial Passover Food Drive | Shabbat Greeters | April 1 2023 | Trivia Night, Axe Throwing | Men's Club web page, Constant Contact, and phone | Yes | Yes | Yes | Steve Pilchik - Executive VP of the Middle Atlantic Region | Art Lashin - Yellow Candle Committee Chair | Steve Pilchik and Art Lashin - Man/Youth of the Year Event | Len Abrams - International Chair of World Wide Wrap, | beth-sholom-men-s-club-elkins-park-pa-532-_combined.xlsx (73 KB) | |||||||
6 | 2023-03-19 14:23 | bnai shalom | | Congregation B'nai Shalom, Walnut Creek, CA | Jon Medwin | puckmansr@aol.com | Sponsored a HMV Program entitled "My Jewish Journey", detailing how our fathers influenced our identity as Jewish adults. | Participated in August 2022 LDI Training at Pearlstone in Maryland | The CBS Men's Club held a joint program with Women of B'nai Shalom Scotch & Games in the Sukkah during Chol HaMoed Sukkot, 2022 | Provided CBS Men's Club members to serve as High Holiday Ushers in 2022. | Conducted Men's Club Shabbat in June 2022 as well again on May 6, 2023. | Outreach to younger men to help build Sukkah. Did the same for Yom HaShoah Candle Packing too. September 2022 & February 2023. | Program with Temple Isaiah Brotherhood to celebrate Oakland A's Jewish Heritage Day 8/2023 & Super Bowl Watch Party. 2/2023. | Conducted Salmon in the Sukkah as well as Games and Pizza in the Sukkah on seperate evenings during Sukkot in 2022. | Jon Medwin | We use e-mail blasts to promote news and events at our club and we supplement these blasts with personal phone calls, as well. | Yes | Yes | Yes | b. Jon Medwin, Western Region President 2021-2023 | Executive Committee 2021-2023 | Western Region Office of the President (planning) Meetings - Weekly July 2021-June 2023 | |||||||
5 | 2023-03-14 20:14 | aromano | | Alex Romano | aromano@mac.com | Movember Hike: Men's Health program, local hike with tie-in to Movember.org fund/awareness drive for men's health research | FJMC Retreat, Los Angeles, April 2022 | Wine Tasting in the Sukkah | Build-A-Pair, Yad Shel Chai | Organize High Holiday Ushers, Organize Purim Carnival | March 18, 2023 | Men's Club Pickle-Ball | Men's Club Pickle-Ball | Wine Tasting in the Sukkah | Joel Goldman | Monthly or more frequently emails to Club membership | Yes | Yes | Yes | Alex Romano, Western Region Communications V.P. | Alex Romano, FJMC Convention committee, Program Fair co-chair | ||||||||
4 (draft) | 2023-03-11 12:51 | mikep2 | | Michael Perloff | mikep2@comcast.net | No | No | No | |||||||||||||||||||||
2 (draft) | 2023-01-30 14:56 | bruce | | Bruce Sicherman | bruce@sibro.biz | No | No | No |